NanoCosPha, innovation and sustainability at the service of the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry

Monday, 14 February 2022

Developing products for precision and personalised medicine, anti-ageing, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory treatments, innovative and with low environmental impact. With this goal in mind, NanoCosPha was developed, the project coordinated by the University of Milano-Bicocca and co-financed by the Region of Lombardy for the creation of a technological supply chain to support cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies.

The initiative was announced this morning during the event held at Palazzo Lombardia in the presence of the Rector of Milano-Bicocca, Giovanna Iannantuoni, the Councillor for Education, University, Research, Innovation and Simplification of the Region of Lombardy, Fabrizio Sala and the representatives of the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, scientific and academic sectors.

“Universities are a fundamental partner for the economic development of the Region of Lombardy - said regional Councillor Fabrizio Sala - With agreements like this, we seek to support universities and increasingly link the world of the university with the world of production. In this case, we have supported the University of Bicocca with 2 million euro for the construction of an important infrastructure, concretely promoting an increasingly important research activity also for students and professors,” Sala concluded.

The project, coordinated by the Vice Rector for Research of Milano-Bicocca, Guido Cavaletti, involves the departments of Biotechnology and Biosciences and the ones of Medicine and Surgery of the Milanese University and it will deal with the various stages of development of nano-bioformulates, nanopharmaceuticals and new generation cosmetic products.    

“With this project we intend to address the issue of well-being in a holistic way, by promoting innovation and technology transfer – says Guido Cavaletti, Vice Rector for Research of Milano-Bicocca – but also basic research and higher education of young people and company managers through industrial doctorates, internships and bilateral exchanges between the university and companies.”

NanoCosPha will be able to count on a technological platform consisting of six innovative and highly specialised laboratories for a total value of over 4 million euro, half of it financed by the Region of Lombardy.

Research will focus on the creation of new active molecules, capable of taking advantage of the benefits of the nano size. By using nanoparticles as vectors, it is possible to transport molecules and active ingredients right where they are needed, in a precise and fast way, promoting their absorption and avoiding the onset of adverse effects. In the cosmetic field, therefore, it will be possible to observe the localised benefit, avoiding unexpected effects; in the case of drugs, there will be less degradation in the stomach following oral administration.    

NanoCosPha will work on the development of new processes with low environmental impact. One of the main goals will be the replacement of microplastics with molecules of natural origin, compatible both for people and for the surrounding nature. But that’s not all. The automation of processes and the use of machine learning systems in the preparation and validation of preparations will optimise yield and reduce waste.   

The development of green products goes well with the research for sustainable products also for the balance of the skin. For this reason, a fundamental step will be the analysis of their effect on the microbiome - the set of microorganisms that interact with our skin - also through the development of specific experimental designs based on bioinformatics analysis and artificial intelligence approaches.

In the NanoCosPha laboratories, moreover, analytical tests will be carried out on finished cosmetic products, such as anti-ageing and anti-cellulite products thanks to the work in synergy with the cosmetic industry, with the aim of improving communication to the consumer.

The possibility of customising products and preparatory procedures within the chain of automated processes will pave the way for cosmetics and personalised medicine and for the application of the derivatives to the treatment of rare diseases.