Associate professor  
Academic disciplines
Dynamic Psychology (PSIC-04/A)
Scientific-Disciplinary Group:
Office phone
  • U06, Floor: 3, Room: 3145


  • Porreca, A., De Carli, P., Filippi, B., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M., Van Ijzendoorn, M., Simonelli, A. (2024). Maternal cognitive functioning and psychopathology predict quality of parent-child relationship in the context of substance use disorder: A 15-month longitudinal study. DEVELOPMENT AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY [10.1017/S0954579424000026]. Detail

  • Sacchi, C., Girardi, P., Buri, A., De Carli, P., Simonelli, A. (2024). The perinatal health secondary to pandemic: association between women’s delivery concerns and infant’s behavioral problems. JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE AND INFANT PSYCHOLOGY [10.1080/02646838.2024.2330662]. Detail

  • Florit, E., De Carli, P., Lavelli, M., Mason, L. (2023). Digital reading in beginner readers: Advantage or disadvantage for comprehension of narrative and informational linear texts?. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED LEARNING, 39(2 (April 2023)), 432-445 [10.1111/jcal.12754]. Detail

  • Sacchi, C., De Carli, P., Gregorini, C., Monk, C., Simonelli, A. (2023). In the pandemic from the womb. Prenatal exposure, maternal psychological stress and mental health in association with infant negative affect at 6 months of life. DEVELOPMENT AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY, 1-11 [10.1017/S0954579423000093]. Detail

  • Milesi, A., De Carli, P., Locati, F., Benzi, I., Campbell, C., Fonagy, P., et al. (2023). How can I trust you? The role of facial trustworthiness in the development of Epistemic and Interpersonal Trust. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT, 37(2), 57-68 [10.1159/000530248]. Detail