Assistant Professor  
Academic disciplines
Work and Organizational Psychology (PSIC-03/B)
Scientific-Disciplinary Group:


  • Margheritti, S., Gatti, P., Miglioretti, M. (2024). Addressing the Great Resignation: The Crucial Role of Emotional Intelligence in Enhancing Perceived Employability, Work Engagement, and Job Satisfaction Among Young Professionals. In Book of proceedings. 16th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. Contributions of OHP to Social Justice. Detail

  • Lord, R., Hall, R., Gatti, P., Zheng, X., Morgan, R. (2024). The effects of what you remember and what you know on leadership processes.
    How memory works, how we access what we know, and the role of identity levels.. In S. Braun, T. Keller Hansbrough, G. Ruark, R. Hall, R. Lord, O. Epitropaki (a cura di), Navigating Leadership.
    Evidence-based strategies for leadership development. (pp. 130-154). Routledge [10.4324/9781003377450-8].

  • Gatti, P., Zheng, Y., Epitropaki, O. (2024). Feeling torn as a leader? Reconcile your identities to make your work more meaningful.. In S. Braun, T. Keller Hansbrough, G. Ruark, R. Hall, R. Lord, O. Epitropaki (a cura di), Navigating Leadership.
    Evidence-based strategies for leadership development. (pp. 102-119). Routledge [10.4324/9781003377450-1].

  • Caputo, A., Gatti, P., Manuti, A., Cortese, C. (2024). Organizational identification: Validation of the Italian scale in the healthcare context. BOLLETTINO DI PSICOLOGIA APPLICATA, 82(300), 77-86 [10.26387/bpa.2024.00010]. Detail

  • Caputo, A., Cortese, C., Clari, M., Garzaro, G., Dimonte, V., Gatti, P. (2023). Abusive Supervision and the loss spiral: A study on the role of negative leadership in the JD-R model. Intervento presentato a: EAWOP Congress. The Future is Now: The changing world of work, Katowice, Poland. Detail


Scientific fellowships

  • Socio effettivo o corrispondente - Network of Identity, Cognition, and Leadership, 2018
  • Fellow - European Commission - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, 2015

Research and teaching assignments

  • Ricercatore universitario a t.d. - Università degli Studi di MILANO-BICOCCA, 2022 - 2025
  • Professore a contratto - Corso di Psicologia della Formazione - Università degli Studi di TORINO, 2011 - 2012
  • Professore a contratto - Corso di Psicologia della Formazione - Università degli Studi di TORINO, 2010 - 2011