- U07, Floor: 3, Room: 3010P
Bongini, P., Cucinelli, D., Zenga, M. (2023). Does Financial Literacy Progress Over Time? An Analysis of Three Surveys in Italy. In P. Wachtel, G. Ferri, E. Miklaszewska (a cura di), Creating Value and Improving Financial Performance (pp. 163-203). Palgrave Macmillan Cham [10.1007/978-3-031-24876-4_7]. Detail
Bongini, P., Di Pace, L., Rossolini, M., Pedrazzoli, A. (2023). Funding University-Born Projects and Developing Research Crowdfunding Ecosystem: The Case of BiUniCrowd in Italy. In R. Lenart-Gansiniec, K. Wenzlaff, S. Späth (a cura di), Crowdfunding in Higher Education Institutions
Theory and Best Practices (pp. 109-123). Springer Nature [10.1007/978-3-031-30069-1_7]. DetailBongini, P., Iwanicz-Drozdowska, M., Liberati, C. (2023). Business continuity planning and management: A lifejacket in the COVID-19 storm?. In P. Wachtel, E. Miklaszewska (a cura di), COVID-19 and European Banking Performance Resilience, Recovery and Sustainability (pp. 64-86). Routledge [10.4324/9781003310754-5]. Detail
Rym, A., Bongini, P., Casu, B., Cucinelli, D. (2023). Bank business models in MENA and African countries: the relevance of contextual variables. REVIEW OF CORPORATE FINANCE, 3(3), 329-359 [10.1561/114.00000043]. Detail
Bongini, P., Cucinelli, D., Soana, M. (2023). Insurance holdings: Does individual insurance literacy matter?. FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS, 58(Part C (December 2023)) [10.1016/]. Detail
Research projects
- Targa ADEIMF 2019, ADEIMF, 2019
- Targa ADEIMF 2013, Associazione Docenti Economia Intermediari Mercati Finanziari, 2013
Editorial boards
- Membro del Comitato Editoriale - JOURNAL OF RISK AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, 2020
- Associate Editor di rivista o collana editoriale - ECONOMIC NOTES, 2019
- Membro del Comitato Editoriale - RISK MANAGEMENT MAGAZINE, 2018