Right to Education: provisional rankings for accommodation published for the academic year 2024/2025

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Thursday 05 September 2024
Bicocca University logo

We inform you that the provisional ranking for university accommodation a.y. 2024/2025 has been published. You can check the list on “Sportello Online”.

The provisional ranking only shows eligibility for the benefit, not the actual assignment of the accommodation place.

If you see the following reasons for exclusion, take a look at the instructions below:

  • Non-compliant documents: upload the correct documents by September 11, 2024;
  • Non-compliant ISEE: submit the student's ISEE for the right to university education, without omissions, by September 11, 2024;
  • Other reasons: if you think the outcome is wrong, you can appeal on the results page by September 11, 2024.

First-year students' merit score is “0” because the ranking is based on income.

a cura di Redazione Centrale, ultimo aggiornamento il 06/09/2024