Coronavirus Phase 3: FAQs


The following figures can access the University of Milan-Bicocca during Phase 3:
- lecturers;
- research associates, scholarship holders and external collaborators, provided authorisation is granted by a line manager;
- technical and administrative staff;
- external personnel from bodies with agreements with the university (CNR, INFN, spin-offs etc);
- PhD students, post-graduate students, Master’s and Bachelor’s Degree students undertaking theses which require their presence in laboratories or other university facilities, in agreement with their supervising lecturer; 
- “150-hours” students undertaking teaching support and service activities, in agreement with their line manager; 
- library users, as per the guidelines set out at the following link:
- students enrolled on Degree Courses for the attendance of classroom-based lessons and educational workshops in the first semester, only in accordance with the procedures set out in the teaching plan available at the following link:
- external personnel (suppliers, maintenance, occasional users), in accordance with the procedures set out at the following link:

You cannot enter if you have been placed in quarantine or home isolation by the health authorities.
You cannot enter if you are aware that you have come into unprotected contact with a person with COVID-19 in the previous 14 days. 
You cannot enter if you have any of the following symptoms: cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, diarrhoea and/or vomiting, fever (body temperature of over 37.5°C).
You cannot enter if you are not wearing a mask.

A body temperature of over 37.5°C is one of the symptoms of coronavirus and measuring body temperature is one of the measures designed to contain the spread of the disease. 
As such, as a precaution, the university has brought in temperature scanners at the entrances so that we can measure body temperatures. If you have a body temperature of over 37.5°C, the scanner will detect this and you will not be able to enter the university. 
Regardless of this, it is your own individual responsibility to monitor your health. 

Various measures have been introduced to enable us to register your attendance. Staff with badges register their attendance using the machines, while special machines have been installed to enable students to register their attendance. Accessing the university wireless internet network will serve as confirmation of attendance for all other figures who do not have a badge. 
The presence of external users (library, competitions, supplier and maintenance activities) is authorised and monitored by the relevant departments.
All persons who visit university buildings are invited to use the resources provided for attendance registration in order to facilitate any epidemiological investigations required in the event of a positive case. All persons are advised to download the Italian government's Immuni app, developed by the Extraordinary COVID-19 Emergency Commissioner in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Technological Innovation and Digitalisation.


Wearing a mask is mandatory at all times while inside. This is also mandatory in open spaces where it is not possible to maintain an interpersonal space of at least one metre.
The sole exception to this rule is where workspaces (offices) are being used by only one user. In this case, the mask can be removed for the period spent in the office.

However, it must be kept to hand and worn whenever the person leaves the office or if any other people enter.

Any type of mask or face covering can be used to cover the nose and mouth (surgical masks, fabric masks, filtering face coverings provided they don’t have an exhalation valve). Visitors to the university are invited to bring their own mask with them. The body temperature scanners at the entrances will also check that a mask is being worn. 
Where necessary, university staff can get a new mask at the reception desks. The reception desks will keep track of masks handed out purely for stock management purposes.
If, in exceptional cases (deterioration, damage etc), students and external staff need to replace their mask, the university will take their details and provide them with one at the reception desk.

All buildings are equipped with hand sanitiser dispensers located at the entrances, in corridors, at the entrances to classrooms and lecture halls, at the entrances to the library and, more generally, in all busy areas.
Despite this, it is important to remember that the most important measure we can take to prevent the spread of the disease is to wash our hands carefully with soap and rinse well. By washing our hands, we eliminate the virus from our hands, thus preventing us from getting infected by inadvertently touching our mouth or eyes.


If the nature of the lesson requires recording, you can still record lessons in the rooms that are set up for this, in accordance with the procedure previously communicated to lecturers. Technical support will be available.

You need to adhere to a few simple rules while recording lessons:
- don't get too close to the microphone when you're recording to avoid your mouth inadvertently coming into contact with the surface of the microphone – by avoiding contact, there is no risk of infection;
- try to touch the lectern as little as possible and, at the end of the recording, make sure that you carefully wash your hands using soap and rinse well – you can pick up the virus by touching an infected surface and then touching your mouth or eyes without having washed them.


Access for international students is regulated by a specific university procedure set out at the following link:  


The hygiene measures set out in the ministerial decrees must be adhered to by all in order to reduce the risk of infection, particularly when multiple people are sharing a workspace or using the same equipment. 
Please make sure:
you wear a mask
you wash your hands frequently and thoroughly 
you observe good respiratory hygiene (cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or your elbow when you sneeze or cough)
you maintain an interpersonal space of at least one metre
Users must be invited to adhere to these rules too.
The criteria for using workspaces are set out in the Phase 3 guidelines, which are available here:
As a result of the guidelines, some offices/studies will need to be reconfigured in order to ensure that an interpersonal space of at least one metre can be maintained. 
As a guide for the managers responsible for reconfiguring the offices in their departments, the following criteria can be generally applied. The number of people permitted in the same office/study at the same time is:
- One person if the space was originally designed for one or two people
- Two people if the space was originally designed for three or four people
- For workspaces originally designed for more than four people, the new capacity is to be decided on a case-by-case basis depending on the size of the space.
It’s important to stress that the above are not rigid rules, but general guidelines. Spaces must be reconfigured based on the size of the space, the space between workstations and any specific needs associated with the activities carried out in the space. 
The only mandatory “rule” is that an interpersonal space of one metre must be ensured at all times.
A rota for the occupants of the same office can be agreed with the relevant manager.

Ventilation of workspaces is a crucial prevention measure, particularly if the workspace is being occupied by multiple people at the same time.
Where possible, you are advised to open the windows regularly and keep them open for at least 10 minutes, in order to ensure that the workspace has been fully ventilated.

There is no advice against using hand-dryers.
Hand-washing eliminates the virus. Once you've washed your hands, you can either use the hand-dryers or disposable paper towels to dry off.

Absolutely. We recommend cleaning your work station every day. The university provides the necessary cleaning materials – these can be found at receptions desks and across the various Departments.

The government guidelines, including frequent handwashing, wearing masks and maintaining an interpersonal space of one metre, are applicable to all work-related and social activities and are designed to contain the spread of the virus.
The use of gloves is not necessary if you make sure you wash your hands carefully after each delivery. In fact, it could be counter-productive if you don’t change your gloves after every time you use them or if you touch surfaces with potentially contaminated gloves.
At the current time, there is no need to implement any additional prevention measures on top of those published by the university on its website.  You are advised to encourage couriers to adhere to the government guidelines, particularly as regards interpersonal space.


Staff should not come to the university. They must immediately inform their employer of what has happened via their line manager. They are also advised to contact their doctor for further testing. In the event that staff develop a fever in excess of 37.5°C while on university premises, they must quickly contact the reception desk in their building to activate the health emergency procedure. In the event that staff develop symptoms of COVID-19 while at home, they must not come to the university and should instead contact their doctor for further testing and to get a doctor’s note. 

You should contact your doctor for guidance on whether or not you should come to work. Any absences must be certified by your doctor as per standard procedure. If an absence is not certified by a doctor, other mechanisms such as annual leave or paid rest days will be used. Staff can work on site if deemed appropriate by their doctor or remotely if advised to.


Those returning to Italy from countries that have been declared as “risk countries” and that must therefore take a test must immediately contact their doctor for instructions on how to take a test and to get a note to justify their absence from work (if necessary). Any absences must be certified by your doctor as per standard procedure.

by Redazione Centrale, Last update on 2021-03-05