Dear Colleagues and Students,
We are leveraging the learning, data and experience we have acquired since the pandemic began to inform our plans and reduce the risk of COVID-19 spread as much as possible. We are confident about starting the new academic year with a gradual recommencement of main activities, in which we will return to living more fully at our university campus.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my utmost gratitude to our teaching, research, technical and administrative staff for their great commitment and participation that has allowed the University's activities to function at their best, despite the limitations that the emergency situation imposed on us.
After studying multiple scenarios and best practices over these summer months, we have worked on a detailed plan to ensure our return to the University Campus, with the fundamental aim of safeguarding and protecting the health of all. We have developed new ways of working, devised innovative teaching methodologies and will be adopting rigorous safety and prevention protocols. You can find all the details of this new organization in the guideline document for phase 3, as well as in the DR on the staff attendance https://www.unimib.it/ateneo/covid-19.
We are very pleased to announce that as part of our didactic planning in the fall semester, we will resume on-campus most of the laboratory activities and part of the lessons in-person for the first-year students. Through a double-track organization, on-site activities will also be accompanied by remote activities in both synchronous and asynchronous mode, with the help of IT and telematic infrastructures that has been upgraded and made more accessible to students in order to offer an excellent learning experience.
In order to allow work in laboratories, offices and participation in educational activities to occur safely, we have also foreseen: maintaining of physical distance, the use of the mask inside the buildings, the sanitation and ventilation of the premises, the wide availability of sanitizer gel and checking of body temperature at the entrance of all campus buildings.
I also wish to inform you that before the start of the academic year, a specific training course designed by our University on anti-COVID-19 safety measures will be made available to all staff and students. In fact, in this new and constantly evolving emergency phase, it is essential that each of us follow the protection and prevention measures to attend the campus more safely and with a full awareness of the regulations.
As we look forward to welcoming you back at campus, each one of us have a decisive role to play. We need to fully commit to protecting our individual and collective health and well-being as much as possible and play our individual part in managing the spread of the virus. At the core of our efforts is prevention of infection.
This is a pivotal moment. Now, more than ever, our community depends on our ethos of collaboration. With the hope that we can all go through this period together and return to university life with serenity, I extend my warm greetings to you and your families.
The Rector
Giovanna Iannantuoni