Tuesday 30 June 2020
Request for ISEE certification by November 16, 2020

Students and PhD students with scholarships who wish to benefit from the reduction of the single university fee (first and second installments) as against the maximum amount will have to get ISEE certification (without any missing or incorrect information) between 01/01/2020 and 16/11/2020, by presenting the substitute declaration (“dichiarazione sostitutiva unica”) at CAAF offices, other authorized bodies or the INPS website.
In case of delay you may incur a late payment fine, be obliged to pay the maximum contribution and be excluded from exemption and scholarships. For further information, see the ISEE section of the university website.
For further information read the guide to the submission of financial status (ISEE).
a cura di Redazione Centrale, ultimo aggiornamento il 30/06/2020