Reductions and suspensions of the shuttle bus service:
⇒ LOTTO 1, Sesto San Giovanni / Milan: from Wednesday 11/03/2020 the afternoon runs will be suspended from 16:40 to 18:40; the service will be active from 07:45 to 16:15;
⇒ LOTTO 2, Monza / Milan: the following runs are suspended until further notice:
8:45 am race with departure from the Monza railway station (the race is activated only during the periods of greatest flow of students for teaching lessons);
race at 18:00 with departure from the Monza railway station in the direction of the U8 building;
race at 18:20 with departure from the U8 building in the direction of the Monza railway station.
The rest of the service will remain active from 07:45 to 17:40.
⇒ LOTTO 3, Cinisello B. / Milan section: service completely suspended until further notice.