The evolution of the situation relating to the spread of the novel Coronavirus that originated in China requires the adoption of preventive actions to protect public health and the proper working of the institutional activities of all universities in the region of Lombardy, given the massive mobility of students, both from Lombardy and other regions, within the regional territory.
For these reasons all teaching and classroom activities (lessons, theses stages, exams, final degree examinations) will be discontinued from Monday February 24 to Saturday February 29, 2020.
We believe that, in the absence of different indications from the Authorities, all activities will be resumed on Monday March 2nd. Graduation sessions and exams will be postponed according to calendars that will be prepared by the individual committees and councils.
Our action takes place and will continue in close contact with the civil and health Authorities.
We will inform students, staff and citizens in a timely manner about any useful updates.