What's to know about CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV

Friday 31 January 2020


Giovanna Iannantuoni

24th February, 2020

Dear all,

I inform you that this morning a crisis committee of the University of Milano-Bicocca was established in order to monitor and update measures to be adopted in view of the evolution of the spread of Coronavirus, in compliance with the order signed by the President of the Lombardy Region Attilio Fontana in conjunction with the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza. 

In agreement with civil and health authorities, we have already suspended teaching activities (lessons, graduation exams and meetings) and the access to library, front office and orientation services until further notice.

Our University is open, ensuring public services and the functioning of institutional activities. We protect our employees, authorizing them to work remotely. 

We will promptly inform you on the evolution of the situation through a dedicated page on our University website.

All the events and conferences scheduled in the coming days are canceled. We will notify you as soon as possible about the rescheduling of lessons, internships, exams, degrees and competitions, in compliance with the provisions of the regional and national government authorities.

I ask you not to be alarmed, since these measures are precautionary and aimed at protecting our health. Along with the regulations envisaged, we strongly rely on everyone's personal and civic responsibility and sensitivity for the care of our academic community.


The Rector
Giovanna Iannantuoni


What's to know about CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV

It is a new coronavirus strain which causes a respiratory disease. The outbreak of coronavirus was identified in Wuhan, in the Chinese province of Hubei. Chinese health authorities reported thousands of cases across the country.

Coronaviruses can infect a number of pets and wild animals.  Coronaviruses can be transmitted from animals to humans and then from humans to humans. This had happened, for example, with the viruses causing MERS and SARS.

Data about the coronavirus genomic characterization show that 2019-nCoV is a betacoronavirus and, like MERS and SARs, it may have its origin in bats. For more information, visit the CDC web site 

Please follow the virus outbreak through the official channel of the Ministry of Health 
This webpage provides useful and updated information about the contagion and aims at protecting our community's health. 

FAQs about Coronavirus 2019-nCoV outbreak

Recommendation for students and staff members coming back from China

If you are experiencing some of the symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) you should:

  • immediately see a doctor or call the toll-free telephone 1500 of the Italian Ministry of Health.
  • Avoid close contacts with other people and do not go to crowded places;
  • Students are recommended not to attend classes or other activities if they are experiencing some symptoms.

If you are not experiencing any of the symptoms:

  • Monitor your body temperature every day
  • In case of an increased body temperature should immediately see a doctor or call the toll-free telephone 1500 of the Italian Ministry of Health.

Students with no symptoms may participate to activities and classes with no limitations and without the need to wear a mask.

Recommendation for visiting scholars, researchers and staff members from China

Chinese visitors should monitor their health status carefully by taking their temperature and watching for other possible symptoms during the first 14 days after leaving from China and should see a doctor in case of illness.

a cura di Redazione Centrale, ultimo aggiornamento il 26/02/2020