Research Support and Development

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The University of Milano-Bicocca is extremely active in the field of research, supporting projects in virtually all scientific and applied areas.

Research activities are split across 14 Departments and over 30 university and inter-university Research Centres, with nearly 900 teaching and research staff and around 1,500 young graduates in the process of training (PhD students, research fellows), in collaboration with leading national and international companies.

The university’s research activities fall into the following categories:

  • Securing funding and overseeing research projects
  • Management of intellectual property and technology transfer

The University of Milano-Bicocca operates across a vast range of research topics, partly thanks to its many facilities.


For more information, please contact: Research Department - Research Development Sector - Contracts and Research Centres Office:

Research Area

by Redazione Centrale, Last update on 2024-12-16