Double degrees

The Double Degrees programme allows students to gain two qualifications: one from their own university and one from an overseas partner university.

With the aim of offering its students a scientific and cultural experience of high level and the opportunity to live in a country other than the country of origin, Milano-Bicocca promotes bilateral agreements in order to set up double degree programmes. The level and the period of study vary upon agreement. 

Provided that both institutions' academic requirements have been met, participants will be receiving a graduate degree both from Milano-Bicocca and the foreign institution.

Check Interview with Professor Florence Besson-Rynaud 01:09

Students that study on a Double Degree programme which involves them visiting an EU university are in effect Erasmus students. They will be assessed as Erasmus students, receive the ER grant and must follow the rules set for Erasmus students, part of which means filling out a Learning Agreement. 

Double Degree programmes currently active in EU countries are as follows

(Section available only in Italian):

Double Degree in Optics with Hochschule Aalen, Germany;
Double Master’s Degree in IT with the Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France; 
Double Master’s Degree in Biology, Industrial Biotechnology and Medical Biotechnology at the Universitè Paris Diderot  Paris 7 and the Univeritè Paris Descartes Paris 5, France; 
Double Master’s Degree in Tourism, Local Communities and Local Development with the Université de Savoie, France; 
Double Master’s Degree in Materials Science IMAGINE with KU Leuven (Belgium)

Information for Incoming Double Degree Students

Before being nominated, students should verify that they have all the program requirements to participate. Students that haven’t complete all credits or haven’t passed all subjects cannot be accepted. 

In order to verify the program and requirements, incoming students should contact the International Office of their Home University. 

Upon nomination, double degree students are required to complete an application form presenting all the documents needed for the enrollment.

Double degree students benefit from a tuition waiver (156€ of regional taxes still to be paid), free accomodation, free campus insurance and access to all the services granted to unimib students. We invite all double degree students to attend the free italian language course that is held one month before the beginning of the semester.

by Settore Affari Internazionali, last updated on 03/05/2022