As of December 11th, students can make the first balance payment for the academic year 2024/2025.
Payments can be made using the PagoPA pre-completed payment slip, which can be printed from the payment menu of the “Segreteria online” personal page. The procedure is entirely online.
Students with an ISEE value up to €25,000.00 and the merit requirements under regulations on student contributions, students who receive the DS scholarship, students with a disability of 66% or more, and students with a disability according to article 3 (paragraph 1 or 3) of law n. 104 of February 5th 1992 DON NOT have to make any payment.
PagoPA payments can be made as follows:
- Print the payment slip and pay it to any payment service provider of the PagoPA circuit (banks, tobacconists, etc. ...);
- Pay online: by clicking on the link available on the “segreteria online “ webpage, students can access all the payment options offered by providers within the PagoPA circuit (i.e. debiting a current account, paying by credit card etc.).
- For banks using the CBILL system, the interbank code or SIA code is: 1G192
NB: Payments made through the Internet banking service combined with the student’s Badge (Scrigno) are exempt from payment commission.
The deadline for the first balance payment is January 16th 2025.
Payments made after the deadline will result in an increase in contributions according to the delay:
- 10% of the amount owed for payments from 1 to 60 days late;
- 15% of the amount owed for payments more than 60 days late.