Registration for the summer school “THE ANTHROPOCENE: A NEW EPOCH FOR THE EARTH, A NEW CHALLENGE FOR HUMANITY: A transdisciplinary approach to the theoretical, practical aspects of sustainability” (11-16 October 2021) is now open.
The Summer School will take place in the buildings of the Marine Protected Area “Isole Pelagie” on the island of Lampedusa (Italy) for a maximum number of participants equal to 30. The Summer School main objectives are i) to provide a transdisciplinary cultural reference framework regarding the historical aspects, the impacts of the Anthropocene together with the tools of sustainability and environmental restoration,
ii) to present thematic insights relating to the chemical, geological and environmental,
iii) provide methodological tools for designing project researches in this field. The course is aimed at doctoral students and young researchers with scientific training interested in studying the themes of the Anthropocene.
The teaching activities will be of four types:
1) two-hour lectures by international experts (Key lectures);
2) 45-60 minute seminar lessons by professor of the University of Milano Bicocca, University of Palermo and other international institutions;
3) Teamwork;
4) Educational visit. During the teamwork we would like to implement chosen tools from the idea of system innovation for scientific use and planning research projects.
The registration fee is 350 euros, and includes all the summer school activities, social dinner, lunches and coffee breaks. for the entire duration of the course (see attachments for details).
Application deadline 10th August 2021