The Regulation of the Student Solidarity Fund has been approved. It is established for:
- support for the continuation and/or conclusion of the academic career, for students who find themselves in a difficult personal or family economic situation for extraordinary, unexpected and unpredictable reasons;
- total or partial repayment of debts contracted by students with university residences, even if managed by third parties, when the total or partial impossibility of repayment is due to extraordinary, unexpected and unpredictable reasons that have caused a difficult personal or family economic situation.
The regulation is available on the University website at the following link:
Students who wish to apply from February 1st 2021 can submit a request using the specific function “Solidarity Fund” on “Sportello online”, available on the University website at the following link:
To access “Sportello online” the student must be in possession of the University credentials. In the absence of that, the student must register on: