Provisional ranking of Extraordinary Subsidy 2023/2024

Monday 03 June 2024

The provisional ranking of Extraordinary Subsidy 2023/2024 has been published on the sportello online.

If the outcome is Beneficiary: please wait for the final ranking that will be published within end of June 2024. Payment will be within end of July 2024.

If the outcome is "Not eligible": you don't have one or more requirements indicated in the Call.

For Psychotherapeutic support: the amount has been suspended in order to allow all students to appeal and attach all payment receipts related to the period indicated in the Call.

If you don't agree with the outcome, you can appeal on the sportello online within 17th of June 2024.

For any question, please write to [email protected].

a cura di Redazione Centrale, ultimo aggiornamento il 03/06/2024