In accordance with recent regulations, as of 1 September 2021, university students must hold the green COVID-19 certificate for participation in all university activities in attendance. These measures are intended to allow university life to be resumed in person, in safer conditions.
In order to ensure that all students can quickly obtain green certification through the COVID-19 vaccination, the Lombardy Region - in consultation with the Rectors of all Lombardy's universities - has decided to allow all university students to book the vaccination with a higher level of priority.
From 16 August 2021, on the website https://prenotazionevaccinicovid.regione.lombardia.it/ priority vaccination schedules for university students will be made available and marked with an icon.
Through the website, students will be able to choose the most convenient vaccination centre in which to administer their vaccinations. Priority places will also be made available to students residing in other Italian regions and to students coming from foreign countries - even if they do not have a Health Insurance Card, but have a Fiscal Code or other Identification Code.
In recent months, the COVID-19 vaccination has proved to be an effective, rapid and safe tool to combat the pandemic, enabling a reduction in mortality and hospitalisation rates. Although younger sections of the population appear to be less at risk of developing complications, your vaccination will limit the spread of infection, while protecting your more fragile family members and friends, in which vaccine-derived protection may be less effective due to a weaker immune system. The reduced circulation of the virus will also limit the development of variants and reduce the likelihood of future restrictive measures such as lockdowns and curfews.
The successes achieved by COVID-19 vaccination are the result of international scientific research. Our university community firmly believes in vaccination as demonstrated by the high levels of adherence to the vaccination campaign by our faculty and technical-administrative staff.
Now the opportunity is given to students as well. Strong and responsible adherence to the COVID-19 vaccination campaign - over and above regulatory obligations and government regulations - will allow everyone to return to Bicocca with the highest possible level of safety for all members of the community and families.