Friday 11 September 2020

The University has reorganized the calendar of teaching activities relating to the first semester.
The return to normality will take place gradually, as safety reasons impose a limitation on the number of students present to ensure everyone's health.
From October and throughout the first semester, therefore, part of the teaching will be delivered in person, partly remotely.
Presence at the University is foreseen for:
- Specific lessons and activities for first-year students of three-year and single-cycle degrees. Aware that the first months at university are the most critical, it was considered essential to devote greater attention to young people who are starting a new course of study and who must integrate into the new context.
- Laboratory and practical activities for all academic years that cannot be completely remotely transformed.
- Introductory and preparatory events dedicated to the freshmen of the master's degrees.
- Students in master's degree theses who need to be present at the University for activities that cannot be carried out remotely.
- Students engaged in internship activities that cannot be completely remotely transformed.
- Students of PhD courses.
Oral exams will still take place remotely.
The written exams for the month of September will still be remote.
The graduation sessions from September to November will be
- remotely for students of three-year degree courses. The commissions will be present at the University, while students and the public will connect to the virtual room remotely;
- for students of master's and single-cycle master's degree courses, a double option is offered: you can choose whether to discuss the thesis at the university, in front of the commission - but without accompanying persons - or from home. The sessions will be streamed to allow everyone, relatives, companions and friends, to witness the culmination of a study career.
a cura di Redazione Centrale, ultimo aggiornamento il 11/09/2020