The University organizes a proclamation ceremony for the more than 3 thousand students who graduated from home during the epidemiological emergency from Covid-19.
The event will take place between 1 and 9 October at the Bicocca Stadium, the sports center of the University, and, in the following days, in the Aula Magna.
"We created the Bicocca Graduation Days to give graduates who have achieved the title remotely the opportunity to celebrate together the most important moment of their academic career - says Rector Giovanna Iannantuoni - Graduation day represents, in fact, the crowning achievement of a long training course and in recent months the students have not been able to experience the live emotion of this ceremony. So in the maximum protection of everyone's safety, we will organize the Graduation Days in our Bicocca Stadium, a young, innovative and at open that lends itself to celebrate our graduates, remembering together the value of this special title just obtained and belonging to an academic community that wants to be there ".
Every day 150 students who graduated between March and September will participate, divided into three shifts of 50: for them, positions will be arranged on the stadium lawn, at a safe distance. Each can be accompanied by no more than four people - who will sit in places marked on the steps - and the entrance will take place from viale Sarca, the exit from viale Testi, always in compliance with safety regulations.