Thursday 02 April 2020

Given the current Coronavirus outbreak the University of Milano – Bicocca has extended the payment deadline for the second tuition fee instalment for the A.Y. 2019/2020 until June, 15th 2020 to all course of study.
PagoPA’s payment notices will be available on the Online Student Registry webpage section (Student Services Online) in late April.
It is also extended to 06/15/2020:
- the previous deadline for the University instalments fees between 02/23/2020 and 04/30/2020;
- the previous deadline for the university residences tuition fees on 03/31/2020 (both for preferential and non-preferential rates).
The deadline for the request of an additional instalment plan for the second University’s tuition fee instalment is extended to 05/30/2020.
a cura di Redazione Centrale, ultimo aggiornamento il 02/04/2020