ANTEHM (AdvaNced Technologies for HumancentrEd Medicine) was presented today at the University of Milan-Bicocca in the presence of Rector Giovanna Iannantuoni, Crui President Salvatore Cuzzocrea, Anthem Foundation President Stefano Paleari and the project's Scientific Director Guido Cavaletti.
The Anthem project, funded by the PNRR, aims to use multidisciplinary and innovative technologies and pathways to bridge the existing gap in healthcare for frail and chronic patients in specific areas characterised by pathologies orphaned by specific therapies.
Four areas of intervention
- Technologies and data management for diagnosis and treatment
- Intelligent environments and innovative sensors for proximity medicine
- Risk factor research and chronic patient monitoring tools
- Innovative therapeutic solutions for rare diseases
The various actions will be implemented over the next four years thanks to the collaboration between the University of Milan-Bicocca, in the role of proposing body, and the Politecnico di Milano, the University of Bergamo, the University of Catania and 19 other bodies.