Associate professor  
Academic disciplines
Mathematical Methods for Economy, Finance and Actuarial Sciences (STAT-04/A)
Office phone
  • U05, Floor: 3, Room: 3047


Current Position:

Associate Professor of Mathematical Methods of Economics, Finance and Actuarial Sciences (Sector STAT-04/A, ex SECS-S/06) at the University of Milano-Bicocca since April 2022.

Achieved on October 2nd 2022 the Italian National Academic Qualification as Full Professor for Sector 13/D4 (Mathematical Methods of Economics, Finance and Actuarial Sciences).

Past Positions:

Assistant Professor of Mathematical Methods of Economics, Finance and Actuarial Sciences (Sector SECS-S/06) at the University of Milano-Bicocca from June 2012 to March 2022.

Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Mathematics for Decision Theory of the University of Florence from July 2009 to June 2011.


Bachelor Degree (in 2003) and Master Degree (in 2005) in Mathematics, summa cum laude, University of Udine. 

Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Physics, at the University of Udine, completed in 2009.

Master of Research (MRes) in Economics, at the European University Institute (EUI), in 2012.


My research interests mainly concern the study of complex behaviors and chaotic phenomena for both discrete and continuous-time dynamical systems, with applications to Economics.


  • Bosisio, A., Naimzada, A., Pireddu, M. (2024). Proving chaos for a system of coupled logistic maps: A topological approach. CHAOS, 34(3) [10.1063/5.0175789]. Detail

  • Naimzada, A., Pireddu, M. (2024). Comparative dynamics analysis of the environmental policy efficacy in a nonlinear Cournot duopoly with differentiated goods and emission charges. COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE & NUMERICAL SIMULATION, 131(April 2024) [10.1016/j.cnsns.2024.107867]. Detail

  • Pireddu, M. (2023). A Proof of Chaos for a Seasonally Perturbed Version of Goodwin Growth Cycle Model: Linear and Nonlinear Formulations. AXIOMS, 12(4) [10.3390/axioms12040344]. Detail

  • Naimzada, A., Pireddu, M. (2023). Differentiated goods in a dynamic Cournot duopoly with emission charges on output. DECISIONS IN ECONOMICS AND FINANCE, 46(1), 305-318 [10.1007/s10203-023-00387-0]. Detail

  • Naimzada, A., Pireddu, M. (2022). Rational expectations and differentiated information costs for heterogeneous fundamentalists in an evolutive Muthian cobweb model. CHAOS, 32(1) [10.1063/5.0068648]. Detail

Research projects

PNRR per la Missione 4, componente 2 Investimento 1.1- Avviso 104/2022 | Evolutionary Poisson Games: Theory and Applications
Year: 2022
Call: Bando PRIN 2022
PIREDDU-Fondo per il finanziamento delle attività base di ricerca
Year: 2017
Call: FFABR 2017
Grantors: M.I.U.R. - MINISTERO DELL'ISTRUZIONE, DELL'UNIVERSITA' E DELLA RICERCA - UFFICIO I - Bilancio e Contabilita'. Coordinamento staff della Direzione



  • FABBR ANVUR 2017, ANVUR, 2017

Editorial boards

  • Membro del Comitato Editoriale - FAR EAST JOURNAL OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS, 2021 - 2025

Research and teaching assignments

  • Professore a contratto - Corso (di 24 ore, 4 ECTS) dal titolo “Dynamic analysis of oligopoly models” per i corsi di laurea triennale e magistrale in Economia dell'Università di Graz.
    Tenuto in modalità telematica a causa dell'emergenza COVID-19. - University of Graz, 2020


  • Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - A.M.A.S.E.S. XLVII, Annual Conference 2023(Italia), 2023
  • Program committee - Teorie Matematiche della Crisi(Italia), 2014

Further links