- U06, Floor: 3, Room: 3037
Till April 3, and following the new regulations related to the Coronavirus, I am available through web. Please send me an email and we will arrange an appointment via web.
Wedensday 13-14
It is advised to send a message before.
Please look at the Italian version for occasional changes.
Maria Teresa Guasti studies language acquisition in different populations of children (Monolingual, bilingual, children with cochlear implant, with specific language disorders, with dyslexia and with autism). She is interested in the interface between phonology-syntax, the acquisition of morphosyntax, semantics and pragmatics. She also researches on the relation between musical rhythm and language and between language and writing. She has participated in various European projects and is involved in 2 new European projects: LACA and MULTIMIND. LACA is about the study of the language in children with autism. MULTIMIND is part of an International Training Network sponsored by the EC. She has recently been awarded a ERC Sinergy with Artemis Alexiadou and Uli Sauerland (2020-2016).
Maria Teresa Guasti is member of the scientific committee of trilingual educational project in kindergarten at Collegio San Carlo, Milano; of the scientific committee of the project “Bimbi Bicocca”, Vice-president of the scientific committee of the Fondazione Marica De Vincenzi, Onlus and director of the branch Bilingualism matters @ Milano-Bicocca. She is invited professor at the School for Special Education, Haidan, Beijing. She is president of the Doctorate School at Milano-Bicocca. She has been representative of the Linguistic societies in the working group “Toward a Consensus conference on primary language impairment”.
She is author of several articles, and two recent books, one co-authored with Adriana Belletti The acquisition of Italian: Different modes. Benjiamin 2015 and Language acquisition. The Growth of grammar. Cambridge, Mass:MIT Press, 2017, second edition.
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My current research interests include
Acquisition of logical connectives and quantifiers
Acquisition of morphosyntax
Acquisition of language in specific language impaired children, children with dyslexia and children with autism
Acquisition of Mandarin as L1 or L2 by children
Differentiation between typically developping L2 Italian speaking children and L2 children with language impairment
Relation between musical rhythm, language, dyslexia
Relation between language and writing
Please look also at the Italian website (which is more updated)
Riva, M., Carioti, D., Figini, C., Guasti, M. (2024). Con quale aspetto del linguaggio correlano le abilità ritmiche? Una metanalisi della letteratura. Intervento presentato a: Giornate di Neuropsicologia dell’Età Evolutiva XXIX Edizione, Bressanone, Italia. Detail
Carioti, D., Stefanelli, S., Giorgi, A., Masia, M., Del Pivo, G., Del Monte, M., et al. (2024). The Daily Linguistic Practice Interview: A new instrument to assess language use and experience in minority language children and their effect on reading skills. AMPERSAND, 12(June 2024), 1-14 [10.1016/j.amper.2024.100166]. Detail
Guasti, M., Saponaro, C., Raminelli, L. (2024). The acquisition of Italian as the second language of children with Mandarin or Arabic as first language. RICERCHE DI PSICOLOGIA, 47(1), 42-55 [10.3280/rip2024oa18562]. Detail
Arosio, F., Silleresi, S., Guasti, M. (2024). The production of relative clauses in Italian-speaking children with DLD. ISOGLOSS, 10(1), 1-23 [10.5565/rev/isogloss.306]. Detail
Drakoulaki, K., Anagnostopoulou, C., Guasti, M., Tillmann, B., Varlokosta, S. (2024). Situating language and music research in a domain-specific versus domain-general framework: A review of theoretical and empirical data. LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS COMPASS, 18(2 (March/April 2024)) [10.1111/lnc3.12509]. Detail
Research projects
Scientific fellowships
- Fellow - Language Sciences Advisory Board, University of Cambridge, 2021
- Fellow - Academia Europaea, 2020
- Fellow - Scuola speciale per bambini con disturbi linguistici e cognitivi, 2012
- Fellow - Centro internazionale per la cura dei bambini con disturbi linguistici e cognitivi, 2012
- Fellow - Centro di ricerca di eccellenza, Macquarie University, 2012
Editorial boards
- Associate Editor di rivista o collana editoriale - FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 2020
- Membro del Comitato Editoriale - FIRST LANGUAGE, 2016
- Membro del Comitato Editoriale - GLOSSA, 2016
- Membro del Comitato Editoriale - JOURNAL OF CHILD LANGUAGE, 2011
Research and teaching assignments
- Visiting Researcher - Svolgere ricerche in collaborazione con i membri del "Centre of excellence in Cognition and its disorders" e discutere progetti di collaborazione scientifica - Macquarie University Sydney, 2014
- Ricercatore all estero - Université de Genève, 1988 - 1994
- Ricercatore all estero - Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1993
- Attivita' di insegnamento - Universita' di Barcellona, 2020
- Ricercatore all estero - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992
- Program chair - ISOCTAL- The second International Symposium on Chinse Theroretical and Applied Linguistics, 2017
- Program chair - The acquisition of number marking. Glow Workshop in Barcelona, 2006