PhD Student  


  • Lozano-Vicario, L., Robles-Raya, M., del Val-Lafaja, A., Cancio-Trujillo, J., Sánchez-García, E., García-Meana, J., et al. (2024). Multicenter cross-sectional study on the prevalence of delirium in orthogeriatric units: «DELFRA 24 study» protocol
    [Estudio transversal multicéntrico sobre la prevalencia de delirium en unidades de ortogeriatría: protocolo de «Estudio DELFRA 24»]. REVISTA ESPANOLA DE GERIATRIA Y GERONTOLOGIA, 59(1 (January–February 2024)) [10.1016/j.regg.2023.101431].

  • Pozzi, C., Staglianò, A., Ballabio, C., Ponti, C., Bartoli, F., Antolini, L., et al. (2024). The "Continu-A-mente" project: an interdisciplinary program to promote the continuity of care between hospital and community for people with dementia and their caregivers. Study Protocol. MEDICAL RESEARCH ARCHIVES, 12(3), 1-15 [10.18103/mra.v12i3.5100]. Detail

  • Ferrara, M., Zarcone, C., Tassistro, E., Rebora, P., Rossi, E., Luppi, F., et al. (2023). Frailty and long-COVID: is COVID-19 responsible for a transition in frailty status among older adults who survived hospitalization for COVID-19?. AGING CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH, 35(2), 455-461 [10.1007/s40520-022-02308-4]. Detail

  • Gandossi, C., Zambon, A., Ferrara, M., Tassistro, E., Castoldi, G., Colombo, F., et al. (2023). Frailty and post-operative delirium influence on functional status in patients with hip fracture: the GIOG 2.0 study. AGING CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH, 35(11), 2499-2506 [10.1007/s40520-023-02522-8]. Detail

  • Ferrara, M., Pérez, L., Sole, A., Villa-García, L., Ars, J., Soto-Bagaria, L., et al. (2023). Sustained improvement of intrinsic capacity in community-dwelling older adults: The +AGIL Barcelona multidomain program. JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, 294(6 (December 2023)), 730-742 [10.1111/joim.13710]. Detail