Associate professor  
Academic disciplines
Stratigraphic Geology and Sedimentology (GEOS-02/B)
Scientific-Disciplinary Group:
Office phone
  • U04, Floor: 3, Room: 3015
Reception hours



Professional experience

Coordinator of the PhD Course in Chemical, Geological and Environmental Sciences

since 2018    Associate professor, University of Milano-Bicocca

National scientific qualification ASN 2012 and ASN 2016 as full professor

2007-2018    Researcher, University of Milano-Bicocca
2002-2006    Researcher for geological mapping projects (ex art. 23), CNR-IGG Torino
1999-2001    Professional geologist



2004              PhD in Earth Sciences, CNR-IGG – University of Torino

1997              MSc in Geological Sciences, University of Torino (cum laude)



Scientific Interest

Topics:  (i) tectonic evolution and exhumation processes in orogenic belts; relationships between tectonics and erosion in active orogens and detrital fluxes in adjoining sedimentary basins; (ii) sediment provenance, transport, storage, burial and reworking; (iii) methodological approaches to detrital geo/thermochronological analyses

Tools:  Field geology (sedimentology, stratigraphy, structural geology); geologic interpretation of seismic data sets; detrital geochronology and thermochronology

Field sites:    Orogenic belts of the Western Mediterranean, North Africa, East Asia and Pacific

Laboratory:   Fission-track analysis


Field Work

Western Alps (1995-2010); Scotland (1995); High-Atlas and Anti-Atlas (2004-2006); Southalpine retroforeland basin (2008-2010); Corsica (since 2006); Northern Apennines (since 2010); Tertiary Piedmont basin (since 2011); Dabie Shan (2016, 2018); Tian Shan (2019)


Major collaborations

Syracuse University, NY; IGG-CAS Beijing; UJF Grenoble; GFZ Potsdam; University of Roma Tre; University College London; ETH Zürich; Curtin University, AU; University of Texas at Austin, TX; Sonoma State University, CA; INGV - Genova, Bologna; CNR-IGG Pisa; University of Trieste.



•  >50 international publications (chiefly published as first/corresponding author on high impact factor journals)

•  7 chapters (peer reviewed) in scientific books

•  10 geological maps or explanatory notes published by Geological Surveys of Italy, France, and Morocco;

•  >130 contributions in scientific meetings;

•  invited presentations or seminars in Italy, France, Germany, China, USA

Editor of the book: Malusà MG, Fitzgerald PG (eds) Fission-Track Thermochronology and Its Application to Geology. Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment, 393 pp., doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-89421-8


  • Zhao, L., Malusa', M., Yuan, H., Paul, A., Guillot, S., Lu, Y., et al. (2020). Evidence for a serpentinized plate interface favouring continental subduction. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 11(1), 8-8 [10.1038/s41467-020-15904-7]. Detail

  • Malusà, M., Fitzgerald, P. (2020). The geologic interpretation of the detrital thermochronology record within a stratigraphic framework, with examples from the European Alps, Taiwan and the Himalayas. EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS, 201 [10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.103074]. Detail

  • Eva, E., Malusà, M., Solarino, S. (2020). Seismotectonics at the Transition Between Opposite-Dipping Slabs (Western Alpine Region). TECTONICS, 39(9), 1-20 [10.1029/2020TC006086]. Detail

  • Malusà, M., Guillot, S., Zhao, L., Paul, A., Solarino, S., Dumont, T., et al. (2021). The Deep Structure of the Alps based on the CIFALPS Seismic Experiment: A Synthesis. GEOCHEMISTRY, GEOPHYSICS, GEOSYSTEMS, 22(3 (March 2021)) [10.1029/2020GC009466]. Detail

  • Malusà, M., Brandmayr, E., Panza, G., Romanelli, F., Ferrando, S., Frezzotti, M. (2022). An explosive component in a December 2020 Milan earthquake suggests outgassing of deeply recycled carbon. COMMUNICATIONS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT, 3(1), 1-6 [10.1038/s43247-021-00336-y]. Detail

Research projects

PNRR per la Missione 4, componente 2 Investimento 1.1- Avviso 104/2022 | ITAL - Innovations in Thermochronology applied to the Andean natural laboratory
Year: 2022
Call: Bando PRIN 2022
MALUSA'-Fondo per il finanziamento delle attività base di ricerca
Year: 2017
Call: FFABR 2017
Grantors: M.I.U.R. - MINISTERO DELL'ISTRUZIONE, DELL'UNIVERSITA' E DELLA RICERCA - UFFICIO I - Bilancio e Contabilita'. Coordinamento staff della Direzione


Editorial boards

  • Editor di rivista, collana editoriale, enciclopedia - GEOLOGICAL FIELD TRIPS & MAPS, 2024 - 2026
  • Guest Editor di rivista o collana editoriale - GEOCHEMISTRY, GEOPHYSICS, GEOSYSTEMS, 2019 - 2023
  • Altro tipo di attività editoriale - , 2019
  • Guest Editor di rivista o collana editoriale - TECTONICS, 2019 - 2023


  • Revisore - EGU General Assembly 2024: A. Plunder, M.R. Handy, M.G. Malusà, R. Schuster, P. Agard (co-convenors), “Dynamics and evolution of the Alpine orogenic belt” (TS2.6), Vienna, 17th April 2024(Austria), 2024
  • Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - Thermo2023 - 18th International Conference on Thermochronology(Italia), 2023
  • Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - 5th Working Group on Sediment Generation Meeting(Italia), 2022
  • Revisore - EGU General Assembly 2021: A. Paul, N. Bellahsen, G. Hetényi, M.G. Malusà, I. Molinari (co-convenors), “The Alps and neigbouring mountain belts (Pyrenees, Apennines, Dinarides, Carpathians): a multidisciplinary vision (AlpArray)” (TS7.8)(Austria), 2021
  • Revisore - EGU General Assembly 2020: A. Paul, M. Handy, G. Hetényi, M.G. Malusà, I. Molinari (co-convenors), “The Alps and neigbouring mountain belts (Apennines, Dinarides, Carpathians): a multidisciplinary vision (AlpArray)” (TS7.6/GD7/SM4), 2020
  • Program committee - 14th Alpine Workshop (Emile Argand Conference – EGU series)(Svizzera), 2019
  • Revisore - EGU General Assembly 2019: A. Paul, M. Handy, G. Hetényi, M.G. Malusà, I. Molinari (co-convenors), “The Alps and neigbouring mountain belts (Apennines, Dinarides, Carpathians): a multidisciplinary vision (AlpArray)” (TS7.9/GD6.7/SM1.22)(Austria), 2019
  • Revisore - EGU General Assembly 2018: A. Paul, G. Hetényi, I. Molinari, M.G. Malusà, A. Brogi, S. Corrado (co-convenors), “The Alps and neigbouring mountain belts (Apennines, Dinarides, Carpathians): a multidisciplinary vision (AlpArray)” (TS7.12/GD8.6/SM 4.13),(Austria), 2018
  • Revisore - EGU General Assembly 2017: A. Paul, G. Hetényi, M.G. Malusà, I. Molinari (co-convenors), “The Alps and neigbouring mountain belts: a multidisciplinary vision (AlpArray)” (TS7.7/SM6.13)(Austria), 2017
  • Revisore - SGI National Conference 2016: R. Carosi, M.G. Malusà, M. Mattei, A. Zanchi (co-convenors), “Geodynamics and Paleogeography of Tethyan belts: from convergence to exhumation” (S6)(Italia), 2016
  • Program committee - 12th Alpine Workshop (Emile Argand Conference – EGU series)(Francia), 2015
  • Revisore - SGI-SIMP National Conference 2014: G. Capponi, M.G. Malusà, G. Prosser (co-convenors), “Geodynamics of the Alpine orogenic system: from surface processes to deep dynamics” (S31)(Italia), 2014
  • Revisore - AGU Fall Meeting 2012: S. Baldwin, M.G. Malusà, and W. Mann (co-convenors), “Tectonic Mechanisms for Extension Along Convergent Margins” (T42C/T43E)(Stati Uniti), 2013
  • Revisore - SGI National Conference 2012: L. Aldega, M.L. Balestrieri, S. Corrado, N. Malaspina, M.G. Malusà, F. Perri, and M. Zattin (co-convenors), “Exhumation and maximum burial in circum-Mediterranean orogens: from mantle depth to the surface” (TS1.5)(Italia), 2012
  • Program committee - 10th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies "CorseAlp 2011"(Francia), 2011
  • Revisore - EGU General Assembly 2010: R. Bousquet, M.G. Malusà, C. Rosenberg, and C. Sue (co-convenors), “Geodynamics of the Alps - from deep-seated to surface processes” (TS4.5/GM5.6)(Austria), 2010