Associate professor  
Academic disciplines
Experimental Physics of Matter and Applications (PHYS-03/A)
Office phone
  • U02, Floor: 3, Room: 3027


  • Scotti, L., Cavedon, M., Bernert, M., Brida, D., Kurzan, B., Dux, R. (2024). Existence of a detachment cliff at ASDEX Upgrade. PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, 66(7) [10.1088/1361-6587/ad481d]. Detail

  • Aucone, L., Mantica, P., Happel, T., Hobirk, J., Putterich, T., Vanovac, B., et al. (2024). Experiments and modelling of negative triangularity ASDEX Upgrade plasmas in view of DTT scenarios. PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, 66(7) [10.1088/1361-6587/ad4d1c]. Detail

  • Henderson, S., Bernert, M., Brida, D., Cavedon, M., David, P., Dux, R., et al. (2024). Comparison of reduced model predictions for divertor detachment onset and reattachment timescales in ASDEX Upgrade and JET experiments. NUCLEAR FUSION, 64(6) [10.1088/1741-4326/ad3970]. Detail

  • Cruz-Zabala, D., Viezzer, E., Cano-Megias, P., Cavedon, M., Dux, R., Plank, U., et al. (2024). Poloidal structure of the edge parallel flow in H-mode, L-mode and I-mode confinement regimes. NUCLEAR FUSION, 64(7) [10.1088/1741-4326/ad518f]. Detail

  • Cavedon, M., Happel, T., Hennequin, P., Dux, R., Hofler, K., Plank, U., et al. (2024). The radial localization of the transition from low to high confinement mode in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, 66(2) [10.1088/1361-6587/ad1ae3]. Detail