- U05, Floor: 2, Room: 2067
Marco Bernasconi is full professor of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Milano-Bicocca since 2016. He has a Phd and a Master in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics from SISSA-Trieste (1993 and 1991) and an undergraduate degree in Physics from the University of Milano (1988). He spent few years as a postdoctoral fellow at Sissa (1993-1994) and at the Max-Planck-Institut FKF in Stuttgart (1994-1996). He held the positions of Assistant Professor at the University of Milano (1996-1998) and at the University of Milano-Bicocca (1998-2001) and then of Associate Professor (2001-2016) at the University of Milano-Bicocca. His research activity is dedicated to theoretical condensed matter physics, and in particular to electronic structure calculations and atomistic simulations of materials for energy and for applications in microelectronics and photonics. He published over 170 articles on international journals with peer-review that received over 7000 citations with H-index=48 (ISI-Web of Knowledge, January 2023). He gave over 60 invited talks at international conferences and schools, and over 30 invited seminars at Universities, Research Centers and Industries in Italy and abroad. He has been responsible of the Milano-Bicocca unit in several national (PRIN, Fondazione Cariplo) and international projects (Horizon2020, EU-FP7, bilateral projects) and of industrial research contracts with the companies Pirelli and Micron Semiconductors. He has given courses on Condensed Matter Physics (Structure of Matter), Molecular Physics and Quantum Mechanics. He supervised several undergraduate thesis, Phd thesis and the activity of postdoctoral fellows. He was co-chair of international workshops and schools, he was responsible of the research unit of Milano-Bicocca of the consortium CNISM (2005-2011), and he was the dean of the Phd program in Materials Science and Nanotechnology of the University of Milano-Bicocca (2017-2022).
Baratella, D., Abou El Kheir, O., Bernasconi, M. (2025). Crystallization kinetics in Ge-rich GexTe alloys from large scale simulations with a machine-learned interatomic potential. ACTA MATERIALIA, 284(1 January 2025) [10.1016/j.actamat.2024.120608]. Detail
Baratella, D., Abou El Kheir, O., Bernasconi, M. (2024). Unraveling the crystallization kinetics of Ge-rich GexTe phase change alloys with a machine-learned interatomic potential. Intervento presentato a: 15th International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Detail
Abou El Kheir, O., Bernasconi, M. (2024). Mid-gap States and drift in GST
alloys from DFT simulations. Intervento presentato a: ST ePCM collaboration Workshop 3rd edition, Milano. DetailBernasconi, M. (2024). A machine-learning interatomic potential for the Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change compound. Intervento presentato a: Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, USA. Detail
Bernasconi, M. (2024). A machine-learning interatomic potential for the Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change compound. Intervento presentato a: Glass and Optical Division, Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Las Vegas, USA. Detail
Research projects
- Ovshinsky Lecturship Award, European Phase Change and Ovonics Symposium (E/PCOS), 2018
- Program chair - 12th International Workshop on Characterization and Modeling of Memory Devices(Italia), 2023
- Presidente/Chairman del comitato organizzativo - 9th International workshop on characterization and modeling of memory devices(Italia), 2018
- Program chair - 7th International Workshop on Characterization and Modeling of Memory Devices, Milano (I)., 2016
- Program chair - "LOW-DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICAL PHENOMENA AND SIMULATIONS", 42nd Workshop of the International School of Solid State Physics, Ettore Majorana Center, Erice (I)., 2007