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Marcello Maneri teaches Communication, Media and Society for undergraduates in Sociology and Cultural Sociology at the Master's Degree course in Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. His research topics are information & power, the sociology of racism, the social construction of crime and security. He is part of the steering committee of the European project (Horizon 2020) BRIDGES on the production, diffusion, and effects of immigration narratives, of which he coordinates the work package on media.
Maneri, M., Pogliano, A. (2024). The news, social media and politics in the locked storytelling of migration in Italy [Working paper] [10.5281/zenodo.10495378]. Detail
Maneri, M., Morning, A. (2024). Repositioning, not replacing, race: the case for concepts of descent-based difference. ETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES, 47(8), 1638-1646 [10.1080/01419870.2023.2282071]. Detail
Maneri, M., Quassoli, F. (2024). Alterità. In E. Colombo, P. Rebughini (a cura di), Orientarsi nelle trasformazioni sociali. Le parole chiave (pp. 55-70). Carocci Editore Spa. Detail
Maneri, M. (2023). A comparative analysis of migration narratives in traditional and social media [Working paper] [10.5281/zenodo.8192076]. Detail
Maneri, M., Pogliano, A., Piccoli, F., Anselmi, G. (2023). Migration narratives in media and social media. The case of Italy [Working paper] [10.5281/zenodo.8009758]. Detail
Editorial boards
- Membro del Comitato Editoriale - ASYLON(S), 2010
- Membro del Comitato Editoriale - CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY, 2010 - 2013
- Membro del Comitato Editoriale - ETNOGRAFIA E RICERCA QUALITATIVA, 2007
Research and teaching assignments
- Titolare di contratto di ricerca - Coordinatore del Work Package 3 “Narrative production in the media arena” e membro del Comitato direttivo per il progetto Horizon 2020 BRIDGES: ‘Bridges to assess the production and impact of migration narratives’ (H2020-SC6-MIGRATION-2020) - FIERI: Forum Internazionale ed Europeo di Ricerche sull'immigrazione - International and European Forum of Migration Research, 2021 - 2024
- Visiting Researcher - New York University Abu Dhabi, 2012
- Visiting Researcher - New York University, 2014 - 2015