Assistant Professor  
Academic disciplines
Discipline demoetnoantropologiche (M-DEA/01)


  • Santanera, G., Jonas Falzarano, J., Mannov, A., Oberborbeck Andersen, A., Thompson, J., Esposito, E., et al. (2023). Entangling data while entangling disciplines. Discussing the future of anthropological collaborations with data scientists (R. Raffaetà, G. Santanera, F. Esposito, a cura di). New York : Berghahn. Detail

  • Raffaeta, R., Santanera, G., Esposito, F. (2023). Special Issue Editorial Introduction: Entangling Data while Entangling Disciplines. Discussing the future of anthropological collaborations with data scientists. ANTHROPOLOGY IN ACTION, 30(3), 1-8 [10.3167/aia.2023.300301]. Detail

  • Santanera, G. (2022). The use of smartphones and the quest for a future among West African men in reception centers in Italy. ANUAC, 11(2), 205-228 [10.7340/anuac2239-625X-5123]. Detail

  • Di Prete, B., Rebaglio, A., Crippa, D., Bargna, I., Santanera, G., Michelini, L. (2021). Design for urban regeneration: future scenarios and common challenges in a multispecies world for synergistic action-research between design and anthropology. In From Human-centerd to More-than-Human-Design. Exploring the Transition. Franco Angeli. Detail

  • Santanera, G. (2021). L'attivismo mediatico dei giovani afrodiscendenti a Milano. In Milano globale. Il mondo visto da qui. Mudec - Museo delle Culture. Catalogo delle opere e guida al percorso (pp. 305-310). 24 ORE Cultura. Detail