Associate professor  
Academic disciplines
Sociology of Economic and Labour Processes (GSPS-08/A)
Scientific-Disciplinary Group:
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Gemma Scalise, PhD in Sociology, is Associate Professor in Economic Sociology at the University of Milan Bicocca, Department of Sociology and Social Research.

She has been Assistant Professor at the University of Milan-Bicocca (2021-2023) University of Bergamo (2019-2020), Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute (2017-2019), Visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Koln (2019) and at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2015).  

She is member of the Editorial Board of  SAGE journal "Sociology",  and Principal Investigator of the Project CITILab "Compound inequalities and labour market outsiders" funded by Fondazione Cariplo

Among her recent publications: 

2022, Between structure and agency: the use of conditional welfare through the lens of social capital, European Societies, DOI:10.1080/14616696.2022.2137553

2022, Subnational Social Investment in Three European Cities: An Exploratory Comparison, in Journal of Social Policy, 1-21 (with Anton Hemerjick)

2022, Labour market dualization and social policy in pandemic times: an in-depth analysis of private consumption services in Europe, in International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy (with Pavolini, E., Fullin, G.)

2022, Welfare States, Labor Markets, Social Investment and the Digital Transformation, in Busemeyer, M., Kemmerling A., Marx P., Van Kerspergen K. (eds. 2021) Digitalization and the welfare state, Oxford University Press (with W. Eichhorst e A. Hemerijck)

2021, The local governance of active inclusion: A field for social partner action, in European Journal of Industrial Relations, 27 (1) 59-75

2021, Following Different Modernization Paths. The Changing Socio-cultural Basis of Southern Europe, in Burroni, L., Pavolini, E., Regini, M. (eds. 2021), Mediterranean Capitalism Revised: One Model, Different Trajectiories, Cornell University Press (with E. Pavolini)

2020, The political economy of policy ideas. The European strategy of Active Inclusion in context. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan; 

2020, Industrial relations and migrant integration in European cities: a comparative perspective, in Journal of European Social Policy, 30, 3, pp. 587-600 (with L. Burroni); 

2019, Policy failure in the triangle of growth: labour market, human capital and innovation in Spain and Italy, in South European Society and Politics, 24,1, pp.29-52 (with L. Burroni, A. Gherardini)


Main research interests include: labour market and welfare regulation and governance, social policy and social investment, comparative political economy, European multi-level governance and the relationship between policy ideas and institutional change. 


  • Pavolini, E., Scalise, G. (2024). Politiche attive del lavoro e apprendimento permanente. In Le politiche di welfare (pp. 293-315). Il Mulino. Detail

  • Scalise, G., Hemerijck, A. (2024). Subnational Social Investment in Three European Cities: An Exploratory Comparison. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL POLICY, 53(2 (April 2024)), 530-550 [10.1017/S0047279422000496]. Detail

  • Eichhorst, W., Scalise, G. (2024). Revisiting Dualism? The Governance of the Low Pay-Low Skill Labour Market in Four European Countries [Working paper]. Detail

  • Ballantyne, S., Hemerijck, A., Mascioli, L., Scalise, G. (2023). Taking Social Investment Seriously in EU Cohesion Policy - Final report April 2023 [Rapporto tecnico]. Detail

  • Scalise, G. (2023). Labour market policy in the era of mass migration: perspectives on Europe. In D. Clegg, N. Durazzi (a cura di), Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Advanced Democracies (pp. 116-131). Edward Elgar [10.4337/9781800880887.00016]. Detail

Research projects

Compound InequaliTIes and Labour market outsiders. The social investment policy agenda to empower long‐term unemployed, disabled people and working women (CITILab)”.
Year: 2023
PNRR per la Missione 4, componente 2 Investimento 1.1- Avviso 104/2022 | Maternal guilt: Measurement, correlates, and policy solutions in the Italian context
Year: 2022
Call: Bando PRIN 2022



  • Premio Alessandro Pansa, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, 2019

Scientific fellowships

  • Fellow - Max Weber Program, European University Institute,

Editorial boards

  • Membro del Comitato Editoriale - SOCIOLOGY, 2023
  • Guest Editor di rivista o collana editoriale - JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN SOCIAL POLICY, 2020

Research and teaching assignments

  • Visiting Researcher - Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, 2019
  • Visiting Researcher - Universidad Autónoma De Barcelona, 2015