PhD Student  


Born in 1999. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics for Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Turin and a Master's degree in Public and Political Communication from the University of Turin. I am currently enrolled in the PhD program in Analyses of Social and Economic Processes (ASEP) at the University of Milan Bicocca, doing research in Political Sociology. In particular, I am researching the associations between political and cultural preferences, political stereotypes, and their consequences on the dynamics of political polarization.


  • Bertero, A., Scaduto, G. (2023). A midsummer night's dream: political communication during the Italian 2022 electoral campaign. QUADERNI DELL'OSSERVATORIO ELETTORALE, 86(1), 13-28 [10.36253/qoe-14224]. Detail

  • Mancosu, M., Scaduto, G. (2022). The representation of political leaders in times of pandemic crisis. Evidence from 28 European countries. Intervento presentato a: La comunicazione politica in (tempi di) crisi, Bologna, Italy. Detail

  • Scaduto, G. (2022). Gli algoritmi di computer vision: una guida all’uso per le scienze politiche e sociali. POLIS(2/2022), 315-332 [10.1424/104525]. Detail