- U07, Floor: 3, Room: 322
Tue h. 3–5pm Bldg. U7 3rd floor office 3106 (ex322)
Conti, P., Cugnata, F., Di Serio, C., Mecatti, F., Rancoita, P., Vicard, P. (2024). Treatment effect assessment in observational studies with multi-level treatment and outcome. In F.M. Chelli, M. Ciommi, S. Ingrassia, F. Mariani, M.C. Recchioni (a cura di), SIS 2023, Book of Shirt Papers (pp. 393-398). Springer. Detail
Di Biase, R., Mecatti, F. (2024). Applying sequential adaptive strategies for sampling animal populations: An empirical study. ENVIRONMETRICS [10.1002/env.2870]. Detail
Musella, F., Giammei, L., Mecatti, F., Vicar, P. (2023). Bayesian networks as a territorial gender impact assessment tool. In F.M. Chelli, M. Ciommi, S. Ingrassia, F. Mariani, M.C. Recchioni (a cura di), Intermediate Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society Book of short papers-SIS (pp. 1084-1087). Pearson. Detail
Giammei, L., Musella, F., Mecatti, F., Vicard, P. (2023). Building improved gender equality composite indicators by object-oriented Bayesian networks. In P. Coretto, G. Giordano, M. La Rocca, M.L. Parrella, C. Rampichini (a cura di), CLADAG 2023. Book of Abstracts and Short Papers. 14th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group, Salerno, September 11-13, 2023 (pp. 494-497). Pearson. Detail
Mecatti, F., Romio, S. (2023). Infodemia: perché è necessaria una statistical literacy. La lezione della pandemia.. In M. Calloni (a cura di), Pandemocrazia. Conoscenza, potere e sfera pubblica nell'età pandemica (pp. 61-81). Il Mulino. Detail
Research projects
Scientific fellowships
- Componente del Consiglio/Comitato Direttivo - Società Italiana di Statistics, 2018
- Fellow - International Statistical Institute, 2005
Editorial boards
- Guest Editor di rivista o collana editoriale - METRON, 2023 - 2024
- Guest Editor di rivista o collana editoriale - STATS, 2022
- Membro del Comitato Editoriale - STATISTICAL METHODS & APPLICATIONS, 2020 - 2023
- Program committee - 52nd Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society(Italia), 2024
- Program committee - ITACOSM2023 - UniCal(Italia), 2023
- Program chair - ITACOSM2013: 3rd Italian Conference on Survey Methodology, 2013