Full Professor  
Academic disciplines
Physics for Life Sciences, Environment, and Cultural Heritage (PHYS-06/A)
Office phone
  • U28, Floor: 2, Room: 2013


  • Salerno, D., Marrano, C., Cassina, V., Cristofalo, M., Shao, Q., Finzi, L., et al. (2021). Nanomechanics of negatively supercoiled diaminopurine-substituted DNA. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 49(20), 11778-11786 [10.1093/nar/gkab982]. Detail

  • Vesco, G., Lamperti, M., Salerno, D., Marrano, C., Cassina, V., Rigo, R., et al. (2021). Double-stranded flanking ends affect the folding kinetics and conformational equilibrium of G-quadruplexes forming sequences within the promoter of KIT oncogene. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 49(17), 9724-9737 [10.1093/nar/gkab674]. Detail

  • Buglione, E., Salerno, D., Marrano, C., Cassina, V., Vesco, G., Nardo, L., et al. (2021). Nanomechanics of G-quadruplexes within the promoter of the KIT oncogene. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 49(8), 4564-4573 [10.1093/nar/gkab079]. Detail

  • Nardo, L., Lamperti, M., Salerno, D., Cassina, V., Missana, N., Bondani, M., et al. (2015). Effects of non-CpG site methylation on DNA thermal stability: A fluorescence study. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 43(22), 10722-10733 [10.1093/nar/gkv884]. Detail

  • Tempestini, A., Cassina, V., Brogioli, D., Ziano, R., Erba, S., Giovannoni, R., et al. (2013). Magnetic tweezers measurements of the nanomechanical stability of DNA against denaturation at various conditions of pH and ionic strength. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 41(3), 2009-2019 [10.1093/nar/gks1206]. Detail

Research projects

PNRR per la Missione 4, componente 2 Investimento 1.1- Avviso 104/2022 | Functional Role of Protein Folding Intermediates: A Cross-Disciplinary Study Integrating Molecular Simulations with Biophysical and Biochemical Experiments
Year: 2022
Call: Bando PRIN 2022
MANTEGAZZA-Fondo per il finanziamento delle attività base di ricerca
Year: 2017
Call: FFABR 2017
Grantors: M.I.U.R. - MINISTERO DELL'ISTRUZIONE, DELL'UNIVERSITA' E DELLA RICERCA - UFFICIO I - Bilancio e Contabilita'. Coordinamento staff della Direzione
Nanomaterials for "Blue Energy": renewable energy from capacitive mixing by using supercapacitors with nanostructured electrodes (NANOBLUE) - Nanomateriali per "Energia Blu": energia rinnovabile ottenuta mediante miscelazione capacitiva mediante supercondensatori con elettrodi nanostrutturati (NANOBLUE).
Year: 2011
Call: 2011-001 - Ricerca scientifica e tecnologica sui materiali avanzati
CAPMIX-Capacitive mixing as a novel principle for generation of energy from salinity difference
Year: 2010
Call: 2010-047 - FP7-ENERGY-2010-FET
Realizzazione e sviluppo di nanobiosensori di nuova concezione per lo studio delle interazioni intermolecolari
Year: 2005
Call: Fondi strutturali