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After my graduation in Business Adminstration at Bocconi University in Milan and one year of service in the Army as "Alpino" at 24 (in 1990) I have decided to begin an academic career.
I have received a PhD in Manangement at Bocconi University, I have got the ITP-International Teachers Program at the New-York University-Stern School of Business and I have worked for about 20 years at a leading italian business school (SDA Bocconi). Finally, in 2012 I have ended up as Associate Professor of Human Resource Management at Università di Milano Bicocca.
In these 25 years I spent five terms teaching and doing research in the States (at University of Michigan-ISR and University of Florida-Warrington College of Business). I have received a Best Paper Award at the Academy of Management and published several articles both on italian and international journals as well as some chapters in edited books.
My purpose was to build a strong theoretical competence and to acquire an in deepth knowledge of research methods, but I also tried to develop an operational expertise in by engaging in consultancy projects for several large multinational organizations (among the others: Bayer Italia; Barilla; Roche Italy; Fiat).
I have authored several articles published in italian and international journals and I finally wrote the book "Organizzare le funzioni del personale. Strategie, assetti strutturali e processi per una efficace gestione della forza lavoro". Franco Angeli, 2008
Orlando, B., Mazzucchelli, A., Usai, A., Nicotra, M., Paoletti, F. (2021). Are digital technologies killing future innovation? The curvilinear relationship between digital technologies and firm's intellectual property. JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL, 22(3), 587-609 [10.1108/JIC-03-2020-0078]. Detail
Boldizzoni, D., Paoletti, F. (2019). Presentazione dell'edizione italiana. In D. Boldizzoni, F. Paoletti (a cura di), Gestione delle risorse umane (pp. xvii-xxiii). Milano : Maggioli. Detail
Paoletti, F. (2016). Organizzare l’impresa e la gestione delle risorse umane. In Gabriele Gabrielli Silvia Profili (a cura di), Organizzazione e gestione delle risorse umane - II edizione (pp. 34-63). Torino : ISEDI. Detail
Sheldon, P., Nacamulli, R., Paoletti, F., Morgan, D. (2016). Employer Association Responses to the Effects of Bargaining Decentralization in Australia and Italy: Seeking Explanations from Organizational Theory. BRITISH JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, 54(1), 160-191 [10.1111/bjir.12061]. Detail
Nacamulli, R., Paoletti, F. (2012). Organizzare l’impresa e la gestione delle risorse umane. In G. Gabrielli, S. Profili (a cura di), Organizzazione e gestione delle risorse umane. Torino : ISEDI. Detail
- Academy of Management, The Academy of Management, 2000
- Eccellenza nella ricerca, Universita' Bocconi, 2000