- U05, Floor: 2, Room: 2068
Born in 1970, FM is full professor of Physics of Matter at the University of Milano--Bicocca since 2020. FM is an expert in theoretical/computational modeling of surface-diffusion, growth, and strain release (both elastic and plastic) in thin films and nanostructures.
FM applies and develops different synergic techniques, ranging from continuum models (Phase-field models, elasticity theory solved by finite-element methods, dislocation dynamics) to atomistic approaches, including classical molecular dynamics and ab initio calculations. Since 2021, he has also started to develop and apply machine-learning approaches.
FM actively collaborates with several italian and international groups, both in method development (e.g. Prof. A. Voigt - TU Dresden; Dr. R. Gatti - ONERA/CNRS, France; Prof. G. Henkelman - University of Texas at Austin) and in their application to applied problems (collaboration with IHP Institut, Frankfurt Oder and internal collaboration with the L-NESS laboratory where he acts as a member of the Scientific Committee).
FM has presently published some 170 papers on international peer-reviewed journals, collecting 4000+ citations and his h-index is 34. Moreover, he gave some 50 invited talks/Seminars at various conferences, workshops or research institutions. In 2024 he gave a Plenary talk on the use of Machine Learning techniques for modeling thin-film growth at the ICMOVPE Conference (Las Vegas, NV, USA).
FM research is presently funded under PNRR plan as member of Spoke 7, National HPC Centre and as unit PI, "Nanosees" PRIN project.
Present teaching duties include the course Structure of Matter (Physics bachelor program) and Statistical Thermodynamics of Materials (Master program in Physics and in Materials Science).
Since January 2023, FM is the coordinator of the PHD program in Materials Science and Nanotechnology of the University of Milano-Bicocca.
Martín-Encinar, L., Lanzoni, D., Fantasia, A., Rovaris, F., Bergamaschini, R., Montalenti, F. (2025). Quantitative analysis of the prediction performance of a Convolutional Neural Network evaluating the surface elastic energy of a strained film. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, 249(5 February 2025) [10.1016/j.commatsci.2024.113657]. Detail
Rovaris, F., Marzegalli, A., Montalenti, F., Scalise, E. (2025). Unraveling the atomic-scale pathways driving pressure-induced phase transitions in silicon. MATERIALS TODAY NANO, 29(March 2025), 1-9 [10.1016/j.mtnano.2024.100548]. Detail
Lanzoni, D., Rovaris, F., Martín-Encinar, L., Fantasia, A., Bergamaschini, R., Montalenti, F. (2024). Simulations of strained films evolution: extending accessible timescales through Convolutional Neural Networks. In Abstract book of ECOSS-37. Detail
Radice, E., Miglio, L., Montalenti, F., Bergamaschini, R. (2024). Interplay of crystal faceting, wetting interactions and substrate geometry in solid-state dewetting and selective-area growth: a phase-field approach. In Abstract book of ECOSS-37. Detail
Rovaris, F., Marzegalli, A., Lanzoni, D., Fantasia, A., Ge, G., Montalenti, F., et al. (2024). Unravelling Atomistic Mechanisms of Pressure-Induced Phase Transitions in Silicon Nanoindentation. In Abstract Book. Detail