- U14, Floor: 2, Room: 2063
Federico Cabitza, Computer Engineer (BSc MEng 2001), PhD in Computer Science (2007) is an associate professor at the University of Milan-Bicocca (Milan, Italy) where he teaches human-computer interaction at the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, interaction design and information systems at the Master of Science in Computer Science and Communication Theory and Technology, human-AI interaction at the Bachelor inter-university degree in Artificial Intelligence and decision support at the Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence for Science and Technology. At Bicocca he is director of the local node of the CINI national laboratory on "Computer Science and Society" and is head of the Laboratory of Models for Uncertainty, Decisions and Interactions. A lecturer in the doctoral program in computer science, he has taught courses and teaching modules in numerous first- and second-level master's degree programs and Graduate Schools and courses and events organized by companies in the educational sector (including IQVIA Italy, Sudler & Hennessey Italy, VMLY&R Italy). A member of the university spin-off RedOpen, active in the field of cybersecurity, GDPR and evaluation of the impact of artificial intelligence systems in organizational contexts, he is also a consultant for several companies in medical informatics and computational decision support projects, including especially Deloitte Italia (Healthcare) and Siemens Healthineers Italia. Since 2016 he has collaborated intensively with several hospitals, including the IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi - Sant'Ambrogio, with which he has an institutional affiliation, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele in Milan, Buzzi in Milan, and Gaetano Pini in Milan. A speaker at numerous cultural and scientific initiatives (including 4words, Forum Risk Management, AltroConsumo), he is also the author of more than 150 scientific publications, in international conference proceedings, edited books (including a book published by MIT Press) and scientific journals, since 2020 he has also been an associate editor of the International Journal of Medical Informatics; in 2021 and 2022 he was counted in the top 2% of scientific impact among all researchers who are authors of indexed papers worldwide.
His current research interests include AI impact evaluation, design and evaluation of ML-based decision support systems in organizational (mainly clinical) settings, and in particular the phenomena of automation bias (decision support overdependence) and related deskilling. He has served as program chair of three international conferences (ITAIS 2017, Healthinf 2020, Healthinf 2023), co-chaired international workshops (on Data Visualization in Healthcare and knowledge IT artifacts), conference sessions (on Socio-technical design at ECIS, IPMU), and special issues in impact journals (the Health Informatics Journal of SAGE, the CSCW journal of Springer, and Program, of Emerald). He is an associate editor of the International Journal of Medical Informatics (ISSN: 1386-5056), and a member of the editorial boards of journals such as Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction (ISSN 2504-4990), the Journal of Medical Artificial Intelligence (ISSN 2617-2496), the Journal of Cross-disciplinary Research in Computational Law (CRCL - ISSN 2736-4321), and Mondo Digitale, the official journal of the Italian Association for Automatic Computing. With Prof. Luciano Floridi, he authored the book "Artificial Intelligence. The use of new machines," published by Bompiani, Milan (2021).
Selected articles:
F Cabitza, A Campagner, C Simone (2022) The need to move away from agential-AI: Empirical investigations, useful concepts and open issues. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 155, 102696
F Cabitza, A Campagner, LM Sconfienza (2021) Studying human-AI collaboration protocols: the case of the Kasparov's law in radiological double reading. Health Information Science and Systems 9 (1), 1-20F
Cabitza, F., Campagner, A., & Sconfienza, L. M. (2020). As if sand were stone. New concepts and metrics to probe the ground on which to build trustable AI. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 20(1), 1-21.
Cabitza, R Rasoini, GF Gensini (2017) Unintended consequences of machine learning in medicine Jama 318(6), 517-518F
Cabitza, F., & Simone, C. (2012). Affording mechanisms: an integrated view of coordination and knowledge management. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 21(2), 227-260.
Marconi, L., Cabitza, F. (2024). The Challenges and Promises of Artifcial Intelligence in the Contemporary Society: A Critical Perspective. URBANIANA UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 2/2024, 83-104. Detail
Anichini, G., Natali, C., Cabitza, F. (2024). Invisible to Machines: Designing AI that Supports Vision Work in Radiology. COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK [10.1007/s10606-024-09491-0]. Detail
Cabitza, F., Fregosi, C., Campagner, A., Natali, C. (2024). Explanations Considered Harmful: The Impact of Misleading Explanations on Accuracy in Hybrid Human-AI Decision Making. In Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Second World Conference, xAI 2024, Valletta, Malta, July 17–19, 2024, Proceedings, Part IV (pp.255-269). Springer Cham [10.1007/978-3-031-63803-9_14]. DetailLongo, L., Brcic, M., Cabitza, F., Choi, J., Confalonieri, R., Ser, J., et al. (2024). Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) 2.0: A manifesto of open challenges and interdisciplinary research directions. INFORMATION FUSION, 106(June 2024) [10.1016/j.inffus.2024.102301]. Detail
Cabitza, F., Famiglini, L., Campagner, A., Sconfienza, L., Fusco, S., Caccavella, V., et al. (2024). Dissimilar Similarities: Comparing Human and Statistical Similarity Evaluation in Medical AI. In Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence
21st International Conference, MDAI 2024, Tokyo, Japan, August 27–31, 2024, Proceedings (pp.187-198). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH [10.1007/978-3-031-68208-7_16]. Detail
Research projects
- Best Conference Paper at ItAIS 2014, 2014
- Best Conference Full Research Paper at KMIS 2014, 2014
Research and teaching assignments
- Visiting Researcher - Studio dei processi collaborativi in ambito di progettazione architettonica allo scopo di identificare requisiti funzionali e informativi per strumenti informatici interattivi a supporto di tali attività. - Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, 2014
- Program chair - ITAIS 2017 - 14th conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS (Association for Information Systems – www.aisnet.org(Italia), 2017