Diversity Day 2022

21 June 2022
Project dedicated to the employment of people with disabilities and members of protected categories
diversity day

Tuesday 21 June

from 09.30 to 16.00

Building U6 -P.zza dell'Ateneo Nuovo, 1


Diversity Day is back, the event that for more than 15 years has been aiming to shorten the distance between disability and the world of work, connecting and serving candidates with companies, universities, educational institutions in general, associations and institutions.

What you can do at the event

  • one-to-one cognitive and selection interviews with company recruiters
  • individual and customised orientation sessions (cv-check, selection interview analysis, individual career and job search counselling)
  • workshop: 'job search on digital channels, how to highlight your profile'.
  • apply for job offers on the website

For info and registration click here