Bicocca Job Days 2021

25 October 2021 - 5 November 2021
From October 25 to November 5 the 7° edition of the Bicocca Job Days

October 25 - JOB DAYS PHD 2021

phd job days

"Innovazione e ricerca per accelerare la transizione tecnologica verso un futuro più sostenibile” the Chairs of the event: the Rector Prof.ssa Giovanna Iannantuoni, dott. Ing. Giuliano Busetto Head of Operating Company Digital Industries Siemens SpA and dott. Alessandro Lanza director of Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei


The Doctoral School of Milano-Bicocca fosters proactive collaborations between all actors that operate within the regional production system, and it is constantly in open dialog with society as a whole to develop innovative paths aimed at enhancing the skills of PhD students and their career opportunities, while delivering high standards of scientific education / training.

The event "Workshop: dottorato e impresa" is holded during the week of the Bicocca Job Days to pursue the following aims:

  1. to raise awareness about the value of joining a doctorate program for both companies and PhD students;
  2. to detect companies interested in participate to doctorate programs and figure out possible synergies ;
  3. to involve professors on the issues of the industrial doctorate as they often drive the contacts with companies

The event will take place in blended mode: in presence and in live streaming.

“Innovazione e ricerca per accelerare la transizione tecnologica verso un futuro più sostenibile” with the participation of the Rector Prof.ssa Giovanna Iannantuoni, dr. Ing. Giuliano Busetto Head of Operating Company Digital Industries Siemens SpA and dott. Alessandro Lanza, director of the Eni Enrico Mattei Foundation.

The discussion will take place in presence  in the Aula Magna (Building U6) with the option to follow the event remotely in live streaming.

The second part of the day (Thematic Chambers and Interviews) will take place remotely via Webex.

October 26 - Piano Bi

piano b

Piano Bi, is a full day event, organized by the iBicocca team, dedicated to “innovazione e imprenditorialità”. The edition of this year proposes a full digital edition focused on the impact of technology and innovation in which experts from different market sectors will offer an overview of their professional contexts.

The program of the Plan Bi includes a workshop on “self-branding” conducted by an expert of the digital labor platform: LinkedIn, and a round table with start uppers, financiers, incubators and accelerators on “Youth Entrepreneurship”.

The guests of the day will be referents from startups and scaleups that will present curricular and extracurricular internship opportunities in their companies.

The 8th edition of the competition “Bicocca Ideas” will offer to those who have submitted their business idea a free training of two hours as a great chance to receive relevant advice to make their ideas grow. The competition will end with the nominees of the three best ideas of Bicocca students that will be awarded in the present edition.

October 27 - Progettare con il Crowdfunding, la quarta call BiUniCrowd


The BiUniCrowd Program counts, up to date, out of 14 collection campaigns carried out, more than 130,000€ of funding raised up; a network of 1.500 supporters and over 60.000 unique visitors.

The program has proved to be an opportunity for PhD students, post Doc and researchers to collect, in a “bottom up process”, the funding needed to finance their ideas and projects. Moreover, the program is an opportunity to spread the visibility of their projects and networking with companies and referents from outside the University. Up to date, During the meeting dedicated to PhD students and postDoc of the Bicocca, the crowdfunding specialist: Luigi Di Pace will present the next edition of the program: “IV Call BiUniCrowd”. After the presentation, the Bicocca PostDoc Elia Vallicelli, will share her experience as team leader of the paMELA project that was selected in the previous call. 

October 27 - Multidisciplinarietà al lavoro: sfide e opportunità occupazionali


At: 10:00am in AULA MARTINI

The job market is constantly evolving as witnessed  by the increasing demand for sets of diversified skills required to date in almost all labor sectors. The current and incoming evolution in the job markets arise questions on several issues to be deepend, such as:

  • How is the DNA of the professions changing?
  • What does it mean that the demand of companies is increasingly multidisciplinary in terms of employees' skills?
  • How to remain and /or become competitive?

A description and testimonials of the current and forthcoming evolutions in the job markets will be discussed during the Round table coordinated by the Pro-Rector for Advanced Training and Job Placement, Prof. Mario Mezzanzanica, together with different players of the Labor Market.


From October 27 to November 5 - Bicocca Career Fair


The second edition of the Bicocca Career Fair will be coming soon: from October 27 to November 5 !

The online edition of the Career Fair will be held on a digital platform especially designed to encourage the dialog with companies for a successful job search. The platform allows the registered users to consult the rich portfolio of companies and no-profit organizations that are attending the Fair and to fix an interview with companies’ referents. The Bicocca Career Fair offers several opportunities to learn more about how to get ready to jump in the job market with a stronger CV and awareness of professional opportunities for each job profile.

By attending the various opening activities planned by the Job Placement in collaboration with the companies, you will be trained to better exploit the potential of your CV, receive advice from experts in career orientation on how to elaborate your professional goals; perform an effective video cv. Moreover you can attend a personalized check of the current structure of your cv (cv check activity). The Career Fair Agenda:

  • From the 18Th of October all registered participants can send their job applications to the job call announced in the platform.
  • October 27 to 29 the attending companies will present an overview of their workplace and mission.
  • November 2 to 5: Get ready to meet personally the companies that you choose and selected you for an informal but professional interview

Friday 29th of October: BiUniCrowd, il crowdfunding che crea valore


The BiUniCrowd Program counts up to date on 14 collection campaigns carried out, more than 130.000€ raised up, 1.500 supporters and over 60,000 unique visitors. The program has proved to be an opportunity for students and researchers to collect, in a “bottom up process”, the funding needed to finance their ideas and projects. Moreover, the program offers a unique chance for those companies that aim at supporting open innovation while gaining a high level of visibility and consolidating their positioning. The program has started in 2018 as the first university crowdfunding reward base which engages professors, researchers, fellows, PhD students, students, alumni and employees. The guests of the present edition are: the Vice Rector for Research Enhancement, Phd Prof. Salvatore Torrisi and the CEO of FolkFunding and Founder of Produzioni dal Basso: Dr. Angelo Rindone.

Companies interested in joining the program and becoming BiUniCrowd partners can learn more by attending the Workshop on October 29th