25 years without joy nor sorrow – Return to the cinema of Kinoshita Keisuke

5 December 2023 - 6 December 2023

05 December 2023, 9:00 a.m. - 06 06 December 2023, 9:30 a.m. (Rome Mean Time: UTC + 1h/CET).

Aula Martini (piano -1) - Edificio U6 || Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo 1, Milano

The conference, curated by Giacomo Calorio and Andrea Maurizi, will host contributions from Italian and international scholars in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the death of the acclaimed Japanese filmmaker. 

The event originates within the Bachelor’s Degree in Intercultural Communication of the "R. Massa" Department of Human Sciences for Education, and is supported by the Consulate General of Japan in Milan, the Japanese Institute of Culture, and the Italian Association for Japanese Studies (Aistugia).

It takes the occasion of the 25th anniversary of our University's foundation to remember one of the greatest directors of classical Japanese cinema precisely on the 25th anniversary of his passing, as well as on the very day of his birth. The title recalls one of Kinoshita's best-loved films, Times of Joy and Sorrow (Yorokobi mo kanashimi mo ikutoshitsuki, 1957), and indirectly the world of melodramas and comedies for which the filmmaker is best known and to which we aim to return, while also valuing the richness of a much wider and more varied cinematic universe.

The program thus reflects both the abundance of the Japanese director's filmography and the pronounced eclecticism of forms that characterizes it, counterbalanced by a remarkably consistent thematic core that focuses on family, filial piety, human relationships, childhood and the maturation of the individual, and kindness of spirit set against authoritarianism, violence, indifference and greed.

The conference will include in-person and remote sessions, both of which can also be streamed at the following link:
Password: Yorokobimo

Work languages of the conference: Italian and English