The AVA 3 model represents an important development in the quality assurance (QA) system for PhD programmes. This model, developed by the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research (ANVUR), introduces requirements to ensure that PhD programmes not only meet high standards but are also able to continuously monitor and improve their activities.
ANVUR develops in the AVA 3 model the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) logic that encourages universities to plan clear objectives, implement effective and coherent strategies, monitor results through specific indicators, and act to make improvements.
The AVA 3 model makes explicit elements of relevance to the quality of doctoral training, with particular regard to
- the context of reference and the professional profiles at the outset
- to the elements of interdisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity
- the objective of mobility and internationalisation;
- the growth of doctoral students, as members of the scientific community, within public or private institutions, congresses and/or workshops and/or training schools.

An internal operating group of the PQA-RR and the PhD School has prepared guidelines outlining the operational aspects concerning the phases of design, planning and organisation of training and research activities for the growth of PhD students.
Each PhD programme has a system for monitoring processes and results relating to research, teaching and Third Mission activities and for listening to doctoral students, also by surveying and analysing their opinions.
The guidelines are set out below.

Stakeholder consultation, both initial and downstream of review actions, is a fundamental element for planning that is attentive to the needs of the economic and productive system in terms of employment prospects and personal and professional development.
Each PhD programme identifies a board, assisted by the Coordinator and the QA contact person for the PhD programme, whose composition includes at least three external members (a maximum of one academic), among whom it is also possible to involve a successful alumnus. Each course, according to its own specificities, identifies the most suitable stakeholders, among representatives of:
- public administrations;
- professional associations;
- professional orders and colleges;
- enterprises from sectors related to the PhD;
- third sector enterprises;
- Alumni associations of the University of Milan Bicocca (or a selection of graduates, PhD students, postgraduates);
- Research centres;
- Academic and cultural institutions of national or international relevance other universities.
Below is the composition of the individual programmes.

Contact persons for Quality Assurance
Each PhD programme identifies an internal reference person to oversee the substantive and procedural aspects envisaged by the AVA 3 model, in relation to the phases of organisation and management of the PhD programme.
In particular, the QA Contact Person takes part in a working group composed of the Coordinator and a representative of the doctoral students in the following phases
- consultations with the social partners
- preparation of the annual teaching planning and organisation document, to be submitted for approval to the Teaching Board and the PQA for an opinion on compliance with QA procedures
- preparation of the annual report containing an account of the educational activities carried out and of the resources invested, as well as a comment on the indicators for monitoring the results achieved,
Below are the contact persons for the individual programmes.