- U07, Floor: 2, Room: 2104
Massiani, D. (2024). Lost in Taxation: The 2019 Cost–Benefit Analysis Debate in Italy. ITALIAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 10(1), 81-124 [10.1007/s40797-022-00203-5]. Detail
Colaizzo, R., Massiani, J. (2022). Use and misuse of input-output and sam multipliers: where are we standing?. In F. Cantoni, E. Favari (a cura di), Sustainability and Megaproject Development (pp. 45-66). Taylor and Francis [10.4324/9781003305750-4]. Detail
Massiani, D. (2022). Computable General Equilibrium assessment of mega-events: Issues and possible solutions. JOURNAL OF POLICY MODELING, 44(5 (September–October 2022)), 920-942 [10.1016/j.jpolmod.2022.09.015]. Detail
Massiani, J., Maltese, I. (2022). Thirty years of socio-economic evaluation of the Lyon–Turin High–Speed rail project. RESEARCH IN TRANSPORTATION ECONOMICS, 94(September 2022) [10.1016/j.retrec.2021.101123]. Detail
Maltese, I., Massiani, D. (2021). Il beneficio degli utenti nella valutazione dei progetti: confronto fra Regola della Metà, Logsum, Costi Generalizzati e gli altri. RIVISTA DI ECONOMIA E POLITICA DEI TRASPORTI, 2021(3), 1-29. Detail