Associate professor  
Academic disciplines
Business Law (IUS/04)
Office phone
  • U06, Floor: 2, Room: 2076
Reception hours

In person or remotely, by appointment


Danilo Semeghini is Associate Professor of Business Law at the University of Milan - Bicocca, School of Law, where teaches courses in Insurance Law, Corporate Law and Foundations of Business Law.

Education: Ph.D. in Business Law, University of Brescia, 2009; Visiting Doctoral Reasearcher, NYU School of Law, 2007/2008 academic year; LL.M. (Harlan Fiske Stone honor), Columbia Law School, 2007; J.D. (cum laude), University of Milan, 2005.

Research and publications topics: investment contracts and investor protection; insurance contracts; insolvency proceedings and debt restructuring; corporate directors’ liability; related party transactions.


  • Perrone, A., Semeghini, D. (2023). Oltre lo shareholder value. Verso nuove regole per la composizione degli interessi nella grande impresa azionaria. ORIZZONTI DEL DIRITTO COMMERCIALE, 2023(3), 805-817. Detail

  • Perrone, A., Denozza, F., Mirone, A., Modica, L., Natoli, R., Semeghini, D. (2018). Il contratto "monofirma" e le Sezioni Unite della Cassazione. Un dialogo a più voci. ORIZZONTI DEL DIRITTO COMMERCIALE(2), 94-106. Detail

  • Semeghini, D. (2016). I presupposti del fallimento: Il presupposto oggettivo (Capitolo Primo, Sezione Seconda). In A. Jorio (a cura di), Fallimento e concordato fallimentare, tomo I (pp. 178-281). Milanofiori Assago (Mi) : UTET Giuridica. Detail

  • Semeghini, D. (2016). Perspective and restrospective evaluations on related-party transactions: Suggestions from Delaware. OSSERVATORIO DEL DIRITTO CIVILE E COMMERCIALE, 5(1), 139-192 [10.4478/84088]. Detail

  • Semeghini, D. (2015). Business Judgment Rule (diritto statunitense). In Digesto delle discipline privatistiche. Sezione commerciale. Aggiornamento vol. 7 (pp. 31-69). UTET Giuridica. Detail


Research and teaching assignments

  • Attivita' di insegnamento - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2020 - 2021