Associate professor  
Academic disciplines
Information Processing Systems (IINF-05/A)
Scientific-Disciplinary Group:
Office phone
  • U14, Floor: 2, Room: 2009
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Daniela Micucci obtained her Ph.D. in Mathematics, Statistics, Computational Sciences and Computer Science from the University of Milano in 2004. She is currently an associate professor at the University of Milano - Bicocca.

Daniela Micucci's main research interest is software engineering, with specific focus on software architecture for emerging application domains, the design of self-healing and self-repairing systems, and the automatic generation of program fixes.

Daniela Micucci has published more than 50 papers at conferences and journals, including Transaction on Software Engineering (TSE), ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive (TAAS), IEEE Access, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, The Knowledge Engineering Review, the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), and the international Conference on Emerging Technologies Factory Automation (ETFA).

Daniela Micucci is and has been involved in several international and national projects, including the Cariplo Foundation LONGEVICITY (2018-2020), the FSER Project SIDERA^B, the EU H2020 NGPaaS (2017-2020), the PRIN GAUSS project (2017-2020), the ENIAC-JU Project TOISE (2011-2013), the ENIAC-JU Project SMART (2010-2013), the MISE Project IMPULSO (2010-2013).

Daniela Micucci supervised several PhD, MSC and BSC students.

Daniela Micucci serves as editorial board of the Journal on Reliable Intelligent Environments (JoRIE). She is also regularly involved in the program committees of workshops and conferences in her areas of interest. Some of her most recent services include: MSR, WoiRe, Ubicom, and MCEM.

Daniela Micucci has carried out a considerable number of advices as a trainer in the software engineering and networking areas at several public and private companies, such as the Joint Research Center at Ispra, the Lombardy and Piedmont regions training centres, Fastweb, Vodafone, Telecom, Philips, and Hewlet Packard.


  • Poli, M., Fooroogh Mand Arabi, A., Russotto, S., Turolla, F., Nembrini, F., Micucci, D., et al. (2024). Can Digital Tools Save Lives? A Systematic Review of Apps and Web-Based Interventions for Suicide Prevention in Post-Discharge. Intervento presentato a: Convegno Internazionale di Suicidologia e Salute Pubblica, Roma, Italia. Detail

  • Amrani, H., Micucci, D., Napoletano, P. (2024). Deep Representation Learning for Open Vocabulary Electroencephalography-to-Text Decoding. IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS, 1-12 [10.1109/JBHI.2024.3416066]. Detail

  • Masserini, E., Ginelli, D., Micucci, D., Briola, D., Mariani, L. (2024). Anonymizing Test Data in Android: Does It Hurt?. In Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automation of Software Test (AST 2024) (pp.88-98). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc [10.1145/3644032.3644463]. Detail

  • Bok, P., Micucci, D. (2024). The future of human and animal digital health platforms. JOURNAL OF RELIABLE INTELLIGENT ENVIRONMENTS, 10(3), 245-256 [10.1007/s40860-024-00232-0]. Detail

  • Corso, V., Mariani, L., Micucci, D., Riganelli, O. (2024). Assessing AI-Based Code Assistants in Method Generation Tasks. In Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering (pp.380-381). IEEE Computer Society [10.1145/3639478.3643122]. Detail

Research projects

MICUCCI-Fondo per il finanziamento delle attività base di ricerca
Year: 2017
Call: FFABR 2017
Grantors: M.I.U.R. - MINISTERO DELL'ISTRUZIONE, DELL'UNIVERSITA' E DELLA RICERCA - UFFICIO I - Bilancio e Contabilita'. Coordinamento staff della Direzione



  • Distinguished Reviewer Award, ACM Automated Software Engineering Conference (ASE), 2023
  • Distinguished Artifact Award, International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), 2020, 2020
  • Best Paper Award, UBICOMM 2013, 2013

Editorial boards

  • Membro del Comitato Editoriale - JOURNAL OF RELIABLE INTELLIGENT ENVIRONMENTS, 2014