Full Professor  
Academic disciplines
European Union Law (GIUR-10/A)
Scientific-Disciplinary Group:
Office phone
  • U06, Floor: 2, Room: 2106
Reception hours

Wednesay, from 11.30 to 12.30, 

or by previous contact by email 



Current Status & Academical Appointments

2004 (since)            Professor of European Union Law, University of Milano-Bicocca, School of Law

2013 (since)            Professor of Private International Law, University of Milano-Bicocca, School of Law

2009–2013             Head of the PhD Program in Legal Studies, University of Milano-Bicocca, School of  Law

since 2007              Coordinator of the PhD Program in European Union Law, Milano-Bicocca, University  School of Law

Studies & Professional Experiences aborad

- Member of the EU Expert Group assisting the Commission on the Revision of Regulation No 2201/2003 (Brussels II a Regulation)(2015)

– Visiting Scholar, Yale Law School, Yale University (New Haven, CT, USA) (2014)

- Visiting Professor, Würzburg (Germany) (1997)

- Assistant Professor, Prof. Dr. Karl Kreuzer, Würzburg (Germany) (1993-94);

- Research Scholar at Max-Planck-Institut, Hamburg, Heidelberg and Munchen (Germany) (repeatedly)

Foreign Languages

Italian (native), English (proficiency), German (fluent), French (fluent)

Fields of interest

European Union Law, Private International Law, Conflict of Laws, Jurisdiction and Arbitration, Choice of Law in Torts and Contracts, International Family Law, International Abduction of Children, International Intellectual Property Law, Fundamental Rights, Public International Law and its Interactions with PIL

Award and Managing of EU Grants

- Jean Monnet Module, Erasmus + : La Cour de Justice: techniques et instruments;  

- DG Justice - Civil Justice Program 2014 – EU Judiciary Training on Brussels II a Regulation: From South to East; .

- DG Justice - Civil Justice Program 2017 – C.L.A.S.S. 4EU – Training on family law regulations for Cross-border Lawyers And Social Services



  • Honorati, C. (2025). Comments on Principle IV. Extension of effects. Intervento presentato a: Extra-Judicial Administration of Justice in Cross-Border Family and Succession Matters Dissemination Conference, Vienna, Austria. Detail

  • Lowe, N., Honorati, C., Hellner, M. (2024). Brussels IIter: Cross-border Marriage Dissolution, Parental Responsibility Disputes and Child Abduction in the EU. Intersentia. Detail

  • Honorati, C., Baruffi, M. (2024). La circolazione degli status familiari e il problema dei nati da maternità surrogata. In G. Bilotti, G. La Rocca, V. Piccinini (a cura di), Le relazioni giuridiche familiari tra natura e storia (pp. 167-190). Torino : Giappichelli. Detail

  • Honorati, C. (2023). The Court of Justice of the European Union and International Abduction of Children. In M. Freeman, N. Taylor (a cura di), Research Handbook on International Child Abduction (pp. 163-178). Edward Elgar Publishing [10.4337/9781800372511.00024]. Detail

  • Honorati, C. (2023). Practice guide on the application of Regulation no 4/2009 on maintenance obligations. bruxelles : Publications Office of the European Union [10.2838/758580]. Detail

Research projects

FAMIMOVE 2.0 - Families on the Move: The Coordination between international family law and migration law
Year: 2022
Call: Call for proposals for action grants to promote judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters
AMICABLE - Best practice Tools assisting with the enforceability of mediated agreements in the EU and specifically in PL, SP, IT, DE and a Model for incorporating mediation into child abduction proceedings
Year: 2018
Call: 2018-009 - JUST-AG-2018 - JUST-JCOO-AG-2018
POAM - Protection of Abducting Mothers in Return Proceedings: Intersection between Domestic Violence and Parental Child Abduction
Year: 2017
Call: 2017-053 - REC-AG-2017
C.L.A.S.S.4EU - 4 EU training sessions on family law regulations for Cross-border Lawyers And Social Services
Year: 2016
Call: 2016-066 - JUST-AG-2016 -JUST-JTRA-EJTR-AG-2016
Eu Judiciary training on Bruxelles IIa regulation: from south to east
Year: 2015


Research and teaching assignments

  • Visiting Researcher - ripetuti soggiorni di studio, talvolta anche con borsa di studio. - Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, 1991 - 1993
  • Visiting Researcher - Yale University, 2014