- U06, Floor: 4, Room: 4066
Polver, S., Cantiani, C., Bulf, H., Piazza, C., Turati, C., Molteni, M., et al. (In corso di stampa). Gamma oscillations and auditory perception: a cluster-based statistic investigation in infants at higher likelihood of autism and developmental language disorder. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL CHILD PSYCHOLOGY. Detail
Testa, A., Basset, G., Turati, C., Bulf, H., Quadrelli, E. (2025). The effects of ostracism on preschoolers’ over-imitation behaviors. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL CHILD PSYCHOLOGY, 249(January 2025) [10.1016/j.jecp.2024.106110]. Detail
Testa, A., Basset, G., Turati, C., Bulf, H., Quadrelli, E. (2024). Exploring ostracism influence on behavioral reactivity and over-imitation in preschool-aged children. Intervento presentato a: Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest. Detail
Silvestri, V., Polver, S., Cantiani, C., Riva, V., Turati, C., Bulf, H. (2024). Mommy, actress, or synthesizer? The Influence of Social Cues on Voice Cortical Tracking in 18-Month-Olds. In ICIS 2024 Abstract Book (pp.302-303). Detail
Roberti, E., Addabbo, M., Colombo, L., Porro, M., Turati, C. (2024). Newborns' perception of approach and withdrawal from biological movement: A closeness story. INFANCY, 29(1 (January/February 2024)), 22-30 [10.1111/infa.12565]. Detail