- U05, Floor: 2, Room: 2130
Ferrara, C. (In corso di stampa). Le batterie al litio: funzionamento, materiali, riciclo. Intervento presentato a: Il riciclo delle batterie al litio. Innovazione in ambito di economia circolare applicata al recupero di metalli strategici, CSMT, Brescia, Italia. Detail
Ostroman, I., Duncan, C., Ferrari, B., Bravi, M., Lee, H., Gentile, A., et al. (2024). MAX phase-based nanocomposites for LIBs negative electrodes investigated by multi-approach TEM analysis. Intervento presentato a: European Microscopy Congress 2024, Copenhagen. Detail
Pianta, N., Khalid, S., Ostroman, I., Ferrara, C., Fracchia, M., Ruffo, R. (2024). Nb-based NASICONs as electrode materials for Sodium-ion batteries. Intervento presentato a: IWES 2024 - Third Italian Workshop on Energy Storage - 7-9 February 2024, Roma, Italia. Detail
Carena, E., Ferrara, C. (2024). Exploiting Deep Eutectic Solvents in LiFePO4 Battery Recycling: from Cathode Leaching to Resynthesis. Intervento presentato a: 245th ECS Meeting, San Francisco, California (US). Detail
Mirizzi, L., Mostoni, S., Zuccante, G., Frigerio, A., Ferrara, C., D'Arienzo, M., et al. (2024). Exploiting novel silica etching methods to produce state of the art single atom electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction. Intervento presentato a: XXVIII National Congress of Italian Society of Chemistry, Milan, Italy. Detail