- U05, Floor: 1, Room: 1104
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From 2019, A.M. serves as Associate Professor in Condensed Matter Physics at Department of Materials Science. His research is focused on the development of advanced hybrid functional nanomaterials for applications in photonics and theranostics in collaboration with several national and international universities and research institutes.
His research is focused on the development of advanced hybrid functional nanomaterials for applications in photonics and theranostics in collaboration with several national and international universities and research institutes. He started his research by working on hybrid organic/inorganic light NIR emitters based on lanthanides ions and photonic crystals for lighting and telecom, in the framework of several national and international project and networks. The topic of the current research is the design and study of advanced functional and nanostructured luminescent and scintillating materials for photon managing and theranostics applications. The experimental activity is centered on CW and ultrafast TRPL photoluminescence adn scintillation spectroscopy, transient absorption spectroscopy, confocal imaging, IR and FT-IR spectroscopy to tackle both fundamental and applicative aspects aimed at the development of materials to implemented real-world technologies.
Hu, X., Pollice, L., Ronchi, A., Roccanova, M., Mauri, M., Lardani, D., et al. (2025). Confinement‐Enhanced Multi‐Wavelength Photon Upconversion Based on Triplet–Triplet Annihilation in Nanostructured Glassy Polymers. ADVANCED SCIENCE [10.1002/advs.202415160]. Detail
Secchi, V., Armanni, A., Barbieri, L., Bruno, A., Colombo, A., Fumagalli, S., et al. (2025). Advanced techniques and nanotechnologies for point-of-care testing. FRONTIERS IN NANOTECHNOLOGY, 6 [10.3389/fnano.2024.1465429]. Detail
Cova, F., Erroi, A., Zaffalon, M., Cemmi, A., Di Sarcina, I., Perego, J., et al. (2024). Scintillation Properties of CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals: the Dual Effect of Polyacrylate Encapsulation toward Scalable Ultrafast Radiation Detectors. Intervento presentato a: European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) - Spring meeting 2024, Strasburgo, Francia. Detail
Perego, J., Orfano, M., Villa, I., Dhamo, L., Bezuidenhout, C., Bracco, S., et al. (2024). Scintillating hetero-ligand metal organic frameworks (MOF) nanocrystals with engineered Stokes shift for photonics activated by ultrafast energy transfer. Intervento presentato a: ICSM 2024, The International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Electronics Materials 2024, Dresden, Germany. Detail
Villa, I., Monguzzi, A., Lorenzi, R., Orfano, M., Babin, V., Hájek, F., et al. (2024). On the origin of the light yield enhancement in polymeric composites scintillators loaded with dense nanoparticles. In LUMDETR 2024 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation JUNE 16-21, 2024, RIGA, LATVIA (pp.41-41). Detail
Research projects
- Premio Giovani Talenti dell'Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, con il Patrocinio dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Università di Milano-Bicocca e Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 2015
- Menzione Speciale Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Fisica, Società Italiana di Fisica, 2009
Scientific fellowships
- Fellow - Material Resarch Society, 2019
- Fellow - Società Italiana di Fisica, 2009
Research and teaching assignments
- Ricercatore universitario a t.d. - Università degli Studi di MILANO-BICOCCA, 2016 - 2019