Research fellow  
Academic disciplines
Fisica nucleare e subnucleare (FIS/04)


  • Nava, A., Bernardini, L., Biassoni, M., Bradanini, T., Brofferio, C., Carminati, M., et al. (In corso di stampa). Measurement of the 14C spectrum with Silicon Drift Detectors: towards the study of forbidden β transitions. SENSORS. Detail

  • (2025). Detector and beamline response modeling for differential electron measurements with the KATRIN experiment. (Tesi di dottorato, , 2025). Detail

  • Nava, A. (2024). From KATRIN to TRISTAN: Neutrino mass and sterile neutrinos. IL NUOVO CIMENTO C, 47(3) [10.1393/ncc/i2024-24072-5]. Detail

  • Nava, A. (2024). A model for the measured KATRIN differential Tritium spectrum to search for keV sterile neutrinos. POS PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE, 441, 1-4 [10.22323/1.441.0277]. Detail

  • Spreng, D., Urban, K., Carminati, M., Edzards, F., Fiorini, C., Lechner, P., et al. (2024). Investigation of Electron Backscattering on Silicon Drift Detectors for the Sterile Neutrino Search with TRISTAN. JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, 19(12) [10.1088/1748-0221/19/12/P12009]. Detail