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  • Marnieros, S., Ade, P., Alberro, J., Almela, A., Amico, G., Arnaldi, L., et al. (2020). TES Bolometer Arrays for the QUBIC B-Mode CMB Experiment. JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 199(3-4), 955-961 [10.1007/s10909-019-02304-5]. Detail

  • Battistelli, E., Ade, P., Alberro, J., Almela, A., Amico, G., Arnaldi, L., et al. (2020). QUBIC: The Q & U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology. JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 199(1-2), 482-490 [10.1007/s10909-020-02370-0]. Detail

  • Mele, L., Ade, P., Alberro, J., Almela, A., Amico, G., Arnaldi, L., et al. (2020). The QUBIC instrument for CMB polarization measurements. Intervento presentato a: Young Researcher Meeting, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", ita [10.1088/1742-6596/1548/1/012016]. Detail

  • Stankowiak, G., Piat, M., Battistelli, E., D'Alessandro, G., de Bernardis, P., De Petris, M., et al. (2020). Detection chain and electronic readout of the QUBIC instrument. In Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X 2020. SPIE - The International Society of Optics and Photonics [10.1117/12.2561567]. Detail

  • Mennella, A., Ade, P., Amico, G., Auguste, D., Aumont, J., Banfi, S., et al. (2019). QUBIC: Exploring the Primordial Universe with the Q&U Bolometric Interferometer. UNIVERSE, 5(2) [10.3390/universe5020042]. Detail